Introduction to the QM35 issue by Maria-Àngels Roque, Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
By far the most significant media opportunity of the year was that offered by the World Summit on the Information Society, held in Tunis, 16th-18th November.
Since the 1990's it has been apparent that the process of implantation of Islam in Europe was following a pattern of growth that, although consistent, was far from being linear.
At the beginning of the 1990s Olivier Roy (1992) had already predicted the failure of political Islam. Gilles Kepel (2000) reached the same conclusion in his book Jihad, the rise and fall of Islamism.
In September 2005, Egypt witnessed its first presidential election (with the presidential poll open to more than one candidate) after 25 years of authoritarian rule.
The year 2005 saw the first meeting of the Mediterranean Social Forum (FSMed), a process that forms a part of the World Social Forum and is in keeping with its Charter of Principles.
Encuentro de artistas de Túnez y España para trabajar sobre un asunto común, la ciudad, y para conocer sus percepciones, cómo interpretan las obras, propias y ajenas.
Los valores, la familia, la religión, la visión de la acción política y de la sociedad civil son algunos de los asuntos donde se ven más cambios en la sociedad marroquí.
Muchos de los platos cotidianos andaluces tienen su origen en la cocina andalusí, cada vez más popular.