The EU should be engaged in the reform of multilateral organizations, decisively help Ukraine to achieve a peace and build a Euro-Mediterranean Economic Integration Area.
The last year of President George W. Bush’s administration in Washington, DC marked the consolidation of several significant shifts away from its previous policies in the wider Mediterranean region.
The European Security Strategy (ESS) adopted in December 2003 with the title “A Secure Europe in a Better World,” the Solana Document, states that the resolution of the Arab/Israeli conflict is a strategic priority for Europe.
Following the end of the Cold War, the concepts of security and development were broadened with major consequences for the future of Mediterranean relations and cooperation.
Evoking the need to go beyond the agreement signed in 1995 in the Catalan capital does not imply denying its strong points or its contributions.
The eight years of the Bush administration were highly distinctive in terms of American foreign policy priorities and behaviour.
España debe convertirse en socio de referencia de Turquía en la UE.
Es hora de que Europa reconsidere sus planteamientos políticos, reoriente sus actividades y busque una mejor coordinación con la nueva administración americana.
Dos siglos de historia común y de buenas relaciones entre Turquía y España marcan la unión a ambos lados del Mediterráneo.
La sécurité, la lutte contre la désertification et l'immigration, ainsi que la coopération économique et commerciale sont les enjeux transfrontaliers prioritaires de l'UMA.
Irán, Turquía y EE UU forman el triángulo vital de la estrategia americana en la región, con consecuencias para los actores tradicionales, Arabia Saudí y Egipto.