The EU should be engaged in the reform of multilateral organizations, decisively help Ukraine to achieve a peace and build a Euro-Mediterranean Economic Integration Area.
The main candidates of ERC, JxCAT, Catalunya en Comú, PSC, Ciutadans and PP defend their programs in an electoral debate moderated by Mònica Terribas.
Complementary to the Aula Mediterrània 2018-2019 conference series, this research workshop takes place to tackle a broad range of issues affecting the Mediterranean region bringing together experts on various topics related to the Euro-Mediterranean...
None of the milestones set nearly 25 years ago in the launch of the Euro-Mediterranean Process in Barcelona have been met due to the transformations with which Euro-Mediterranean policy has been adapted.
In the context of the public agenda, the space reserved for the Balkans in the media seems insignificant, but that is where the future configuration of the European project is at stake.
The promotion of international democracy has always been controversial, today perhaps more than ever. Examples from the European neighborhood attest to this: the case of Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean.
In 1947 the majority of Middle Eastern output of crude oil (79%) still belonged to the British corporations. In 1956 the situation was quite different. The Suez crisis marked one of the biggest turning points in the history of the Middle East.
MedaWeek Barcelona is an economic and business forum focused on promoting the private sector, the economic development as a pillar of regional integration, and the economies of the Mediterranean around the world.
EuroMeSCo organizes together with the OCP Policy Center the annual conference of EuroMeSCo 2018 "Changing Euro-Mediterranean Lenses".
Interview with Youssef Cherif, Deputy Director. Columbia Global Centers Tunis.
Interview with Ricardo Diez-Hochleitner, Ambassador of Spain to Morocco.
Interview with Nasser Kamel, Secretary General. Union for the Mediterranean – UfM.
Interview with Nabil Ammar, Director General Europe.