La política exterior turca en Oriente Próximo se debate entre el neootomanismo, partidario de una ambiciosa visión geoestratégica, y el kemalismo, que opta por la moderación.
Ante la falta de oposición, Buteflika logra su tercer mandato. Sorprende la reacción de Occidente: antepone estabilidad e intereses económicos a cuestiones democráticas.
El país debe reformar su sistema de gobierno bajo el modelo de gobernanza: menos Estado, más derecho y mayor apertura a los actores económicos y sociales.
La reforma del sistema político y la modernización de las instituciones son la clave del cambio. De ellas depende la modernización del sector económico.
The year 2008 was a troubled one for all aspects of political reform in the Arab countries of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. Democratic reform was nowhere to be seen and, in certain cases, the political arena was stifled even further.
Turkey is a Mediterranean country currently at the negotiation stage for European Union membership. This is the final turning point before their ultimate membership, and it will undoubtedly take many years.
The Lebanese polity is faced today with two clashing visions. The first is a neo-liberal vision based on respect for basic freedoms and an economy based on a capitalist free market. The other vision is that of a totalitarian religious ideology.
After almost nine years of a fruitless international protectorate, Kosovo declared its independ-ence on 17th February 2008. It was recognised by the USA and a number of European states in spite of strong opposition from Serbia and its ally, Russia.
Questioning the sense of the elections in the central Maghreb countries – Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia – seems relevant, but somewhat incongruous at the same time.
The year 2007 marked the end of a brief interval of political liberalization in the Arab world which began shortly after the occupation of Iraq.
The year 2007 brought a consolidation of existing trends with regard to both Libya’s external relations and its domestic developments.
The years when Syrians experienced a glimmer of democracy seem very far away.