Briefs / Focus / Spot Ons
- Policy Brief
Révolutions arabes et migrations, Schengen face aux accords bilatéraux de contrôle des frontières
Les révolutions survenues sur la rive sud de la Méditerranée en Tunisie et en Libye n’ont pas manqué de susciter des discours alarmistes sur le risque migratoire qu’elles comportaient pour l’Europe.
20 July 2011- Policy Brief
Vers un nouveau paradigme de la politique européenne dans le monde arabe ? Une politique européenne de voisinage réformée (PEV) et l´Union pour la Méditerranée (UPM)
Non seulement les sociétés du monde arabe vivent des moments historiques de leur histoire contemporaine mais, en outre, les relations internationales se trouvent à un point de césure.
28 June 2011- Policy Brief
The European Union and the Arab Spring: A (Missed?) Opportunity to Revamp the European Neighbourhood Policy
When the dust of the Arab revolts settles, how should EU policy towards the southern Mediterranean be reframed? The lion’s share of the thinking around this question has been devoted to the European Neighbourhood Policy.
17 June 2011- Policy Brief
Reconfiguring Euro-Med Regional Cooperation
Any attempt to reconfigure the Euro-Med framework for regional cooperation needs to build on the emerging geopolitical context of the broader Middle East following the Arab revolutions.
26 May 2011- Focus
Egypt’s Revolution: What Are the Prospects?
Considering Egypt’s size and centrality, it is the Egyptian revolution that is likely to carry the revolutionary effect to other corners of the Middle East.
16 March 2011- Focus
La Syrie, pourquoi c’est difficile?
Dans un pays qui connait de plein fout les retombés de la crise économique mondiale, où 30% de sa population vit sous le seuil de pauvreté et où la migration rurale étrangle les grandes villes, les remèdes occasionnelles ne dénoueront pas la...
16 March 2011- Focus
Jordan Bracing for Strong Winds from Arab Spring
The uprisings have not created new problems for Jordan. In some ways they have negatively affected economic sectors, like tourism and foreign investments, and stirred street protests. But mostly they have accentuated existing problems.
15 March 2011- Focus
Egipto: transición y cambio en el sistema político
El resultado del referéndum en Egipto y la satisfacción o no de las demandas pendientes del movimiento revolucionario revelarán si el camino hacia la democracia en Egipto está despejado.
10 March 2011- Focus
Moviments humans en l’espai euromediterrani: repercussió de les revoltes
Per tal d’avaluar l’impacte i la repercussió sobre els moviments humans que puguin tenir l’actual onada de revoltes del Maghreb i del Mashreq, es necessari diferenciar els efectes immediats i els canvis que, a mig i llarg termini puguin compor...
8 March 2011- Focus
Europe Should Adjust Its Own Policies to Support the Demands of the Arab Revolutions
The kind of stability the EU has supported in the 2000s is too fragile to be acceptable. It is only a way to put off problems, boost difficulties and prevent them from being solved.
3 March 2011- Focus
Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation: From the Spanish to Hungarian Presidency
With the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the role of the rotating presidency has been limited, affecting the political impact in the field of external policies that the Prime Minister of the country holding the Presidency used to exert.
19 January 2011