Briefs / Focus / Spot Ons

Le retour des jeunes algériens dans l’espace public
  • Policy Brief

Le retour des jeunes algériens dans l’espace public

Aux avant-postes de « hirak », on trouve les jeunes Algériens. Longtemps décrits comme désintéressés de la politique, les jeunes sont devenus les porte-parole de cette contestation inédite.

23 October 2020
How to Improve Water Resources Management in the Middle East? The Call for a Locally-Based Water Security
  • Policy Brief

How to Improve Water Resources Management in the Middle East? The Call for a Locally-Based Water Security

The categorisation of water security as an existential “threat” gives the state a licence to use exceptional measures to address water scarcity, including securitising the field and diminishing measures of transparency.

17 July 2020
Economic Impact of COVID-19: Powerful Shock to Post-Reform Egypt
  • Spot On

Economic Impact of COVID-19: Powerful Shock to Post-Reform Egypt

For all governments dealing with the pandemic, there is a difficult short term trade-off between public health and economic considerations. The Egyptian authorities have given a higher weight to the latter.

22 June 2020
The Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19 on Lebanon: A Crisis Within Crises
  • Spot On

The Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19 on Lebanon: A Crisis Within Crises

The COVID-19 crisis comes on the heels of grave economic and political crises that hit Lebanon in 2019. The pandemic is expected to have devastating economic costs given the country´s fragile economic environment.

22 June 2020
Morocco Fighting Against COVID-19: Drastic Times Call for Drastic Measures
  • Spot On

Morocco Fighting Against COVID-19: Drastic Times Call for Drastic Measures

Morocco is expected to undergo an economic slowdown due to the pandemic. The combined effect of poor crop year and the impact of confinement on some sectors has led to a revision of the growth rate.

22 June 2020
COVID-19 Pandemic Challenges and Opportunities: The Case of Jordan
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COVID-19 Pandemic Challenges and Opportunities: The Case of Jordan

Jordan has been affected by the COVID-19 crisis. The efforts to curb its spread have created social and economic unrest. The Jordanian government ordered a lockdown to cushion the impact on the healthcare system.

22 June 2020
The Maghreb: A Battle Ground for the Intra-Sunni Cold War
  • Focus

The Maghreb: A Battle Ground for the Intra-Sunni Cold War

Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Qatar and Turkey have been competing in North Africa since 2011 through financial investments and cultivation of political clients. This is driven by three main factors.

22 June 2020
La Crise Covid-19 en Tunisie: Impacts et Préoccupations
  • Spot On

La Crise Covid-19 en Tunisie: Impacts et Préoccupations

Au-delà de la dimension sanitaire, la gravité du Covid-19 doit se mesurer à l’aune de son impact socio-économique. Cette crise pourrait inviter à penser une communauté plus respectueuse des équilibres environnementaux.

18 June 2020
COVID-19 in Palestine: Economic Slump, Rising Vulnerability and Limited Policy Response
  • Spot On

COVID-19 in Palestine: Economic Slump, Rising Vulnerability and Limited Policy Response

The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 and fatalities in Palestine remain very low in absolute terms. However, the pandemic is expected to have wide-reaching economic and social impacts.

18 June 2020
La construcción de la frontera vertical. El caso de Marruecos
  • Focus

La construcción de la frontera vertical. El caso de Marruecos

La gobernanza de la UE está protagonizando, en lo que a tránsito de sujetos se refiere, una política de cierre fronterizo. Paradójicamente no sucede lo mismo con el tránsito de mercancías, bienes y capitales.

15 June 2020
Saudi Arabia, Iran and Covid-19
  • Focus

Saudi Arabia, Iran and Covid-19

Power, security and religion are used by analysts to reflect on the rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Some reduce the rivalry to a struggle over power in the Middle East, others to leadership over the Islamic world.

15 June 2020
China, Russia, and Geopolitical Games in Pandemic-Stricken MENA Region
  • Spot On

China, Russia, and Geopolitical Games in Pandemic-Stricken MENA Region

As the coronavirus pandemic takes a tragic toll geopolitical games continue to be played by authoritarian regimes. Russia and China have been exploiting the situation to improve their status internationally.

23 April 2020