Briefs / Focus / Spot Ons
- Policy Brief
Palestine, the United Nations and the Role of External Actors: Where Does that Leave Europe?
Where will the mediation efforts leave Europe once the diplomatic activity at the UN is over and the Security Council debates Palestine’s request for membership?
27 September 2011- Policy Brief
EU Democracy Promotion in a Post-Arab Spring Agenda: Cautiously Does It…
Without entirely discarding the institutional foundations of previous policy mechanisms, the EU is helping to forge a new policy matrix. Steps taken so far have been cautious, and rightly so.
21 September 2011- Policy Brief
L’Algérie et le « Printemps Arabe » : un contexte singulier, à court terme, et des perspectives communes, à long terme
L’Algérie est bien affectée par la vague de contestation politique qui parcourt l’ensemble du monde arabe. Et ce, en raison d’un contexte national singulier, actuellement dominé par dix caractéristiques majeures.
21 September 2011- Focus
The International Community is Trying to Learn That You Cannot Export Democracy
The international community is now trying to learn that you cannot export democracy. It is crucial that the countries in the Arab world know this too and instead develop their own types of democracy.
20 September 2011- Policy Brief
September 2011 – Is It a Turning Point?
The change of Palestinian strategy from negotiations to an effort to get UN recognition for a Palestinian state is a result of a stalemate in the negotiations process. In Israel there is a debate on the implications of this new Palestinian strategy....
15 September 2011- Policy Brief
Palestine at the UN: Outlook and Expected Implications
The Palestinian Authority (PA) has initiated a process of application for UN membership ahead of the regular UN General Assembly meeting that would start on 20th September. The move seemed to come as a result of several concerns.
15 September 2011- Policy Brief
La Communauté européenne mise à l’épreuve du “printemps arabe”. Crise ou renouveau du multilatéralisme européen?
Le « printemps arabe » est vieux maintenant d’une dizaine de mois. La question se pose toujours de savoir si l’Europe a cessé d’être négligente sur la question des réformes politiques chez les voisins du sud.
15 September 2011- Policy Brief
Palestine at the UN: Moving Towards a Consistent European Stance
The PLO/PA is determined to submit its bid for recognition of Palestinian statehood based on the 1967. This historical decision to approach the UN is of equal importance to that of the mutual PLO-Israel recognition in 1993.
8 September 2011- Policy Brief
North Africa’s Intifadas: Is Algeria Next?
The conditions that led to the uprisings in other parts of North Africa have long existed in Algeria. Yet these system challenges have rarely threatened the regime’s existence as long as le pouvoir remained united.
8 September 2011- Policy Brief
The Review of the European Neighbourhood Policy: How to Make it Work for the Arab Mediterranean?
While the EU has proved to be a committed and reliable donor, its cooperation policies have done little in enhancing socioeconomic development prospects in the Southern Mediterranean.
29 July 2011- Policy Brief
The Migration Impact of North African Revolutions and What it Reveals about Europe
North of the Mediterranean, the dominant media message and the prevailing public perception has been that the migration impact of the North African upheavals has been mainly felt in Europe. This is a deeply flawed perception.
28 July 2011- Policy Brief
L’immigration en Méditerranée après le conseil Européen des 24 et 24 Juin 2011
Avec le Printemps arabe, l’UE s’est trouvée prise dans une tenaille politico-sécuritaire, obligée de soutenir l’aspiration à la démocratie, mais cherchant à protéger ses frontières contre des arrivées massives de personnes fuyant l’i...
27 July 2011