“El conflicto entre las dos facciones, Al Fatah y Hamás, es un crimen contra el pueblo palestino. Sabiendo que el principal criminal es Israel apoyado por Occidente, su cómplice”.
How to prevent terrorist acts has become a key question within current policy debates. In search of relevant actors that can contribute to the prevention of radicalisation, schools were identified to play a major role.
An estimated 27,000-31,000 foreign fighters have joined terrorist groups such as Daesh or Al-Qaeda affiliates. The need for effective prevention and de-radicalisation programmes cannot therefore be overestimated.
The narrative surrounding the question of social media usage in the Middle East has undeniably shifted. In light of the Jihadist propaganda, the initial optimism was replaced by a skeptical view on the pitfalls of online political activism.
Las redes sociales marcaron un antes y un después durante las revueltas árabes del año 2011. Su uso abrió la puerta a la participación de los jóvenes en la vida política y la promoción de la libertad de expresión y del pluralismo.
Tunisians are less positive about the policies implemented to fight the phenomenon of violent extremism than some of their neighbours. The EU action seeks in fact to support the Tunisian authorities to meet these challenges.
Radicalisation is a process whose source is a feeling of deprivation. One chooses – or is seduced – by violent radical political options because the access to some key resources is forbidden or impossible.
The difficult consideration of the political and religious factors of violent extremism has an impact on the orientation of the deradicalisation policies. The Arab countries, worried about a weak state authority, mainly call for hardening of security...
Many of the radical groups and parties deradicalise by joining the democratic process. Entering into the democratic game of alliances, elections, campaigning and joining political coalitions softens many of the extreme views.
Radicalisation is a local phenomenon that happens on soccer fields, in parks and cafes. There is no way to investigate every person but if someone is already suspected, only local communities could know about it.
Repressive and authoritarian regimes create spillover effects. The Egyptian repression of the Jihadist movement after the assassination of Al Sadat led to a massive influx of Jihadists to Afghanistan and consequently to the formation of al-Qaeda.
The respondents of the Euromed Survey rank the promotion of civil society and local actors as their top priority in addressing violent extremism. The key question now is how to do this in an effective way.