Briefs / Focus / Spot Ons
- Focus
On the Road to COP27: Human Security at the Centre of the Climate Emergency
During the last decade, the security implications of climate change have helped to bring climate change to the realm of international policymaking by placing it as a key threat to state, collective, and human security.
12 December 2022- Focus
Observaciones sobre el impacto de las recientes crisis sobre la seguridad alimentaria en la región mediterránea, y sus efectos negativos sobre la estabilidad y la seguridad humana
La seguridad alimentaria se ha convertido en una de las grandes prioridades de la agenda política global.
9 November 2022- Focus
Water Stress as a Threat to Millions: Challenges and Solutions on the Way to Water Security in the Mediterranean
Reforming water policies in a such holistic way will support policy-makers and stakeholders in the water sector for a better allocation of water resources.
14 September 2022- Focus
Accelerating the Energy Transition in the Mediterranean Region: An Egyptian Perspective
Reinforced cooperation in the energy and climate action fields is needed and represents an opportunity for both shores of the Mediterranean to achieve the ultimate goal of fostering integration and social and economic development in the region.
13 September 2022- Focus
Quelles perspectives pour un tourisme durable en Méditerranée après la crise du Covid-19 ?
L'auteur décrit comment les approches habituelles de « laisser-faire » avec lesquelles le tourisme a été traité dans plusieurs pays méditerranéens ne sont plus socialement et politiquement acceptables.
2 September 2022- Policy Brief
Financing the Sustainable Development of the Mediterranean: What Role for Green and Climate Finance?
Today, the main challenge regarding green finance in the Mediterranean region is upscaling the level of funds available to meet the urgent financing needs of the green transition in a region that is particularly impacted by climate change and environ...
27 April 2022- Focus
L’économie bleue, un défi pour les pays du sud de la Méditerranée : le cas de l’Algérie
Comme d’autres pays de la rive sud de la Méditerranée, l’Algérie est un pays à fort potentiel de développement de l’économie bleue. Mais il ne peut être appliquée sans une base de connaissances ciblées et fiables.
22 February 2022- Policy Brief
Environmental Fiscal Reform in the MENA region. The Case of Egypt: Lessons and Challenges
It provides insights on the state of play of environmental fiscal reform in Egypt and formulates recommendations on ways to make the environmental tax reform more impactful in terms of reduction of the level of emissions, incentivisation of the use a...
7 February 2022