Briefs / Focus / Spot Ons
- Focus
25 Years of Wadi Araba: the State of Jordanian-Israeli Relations and the Future of the Peace Treaty
Next 26 October will mark the 25th anniversary of the signing of the Peace Agreement between Jordan and Israel, known as the Wadi Araba Treaty. 25 years later, serious doubts arise with regards to the future of the treaty.
28 October 2019- Focus
New Old Thinking in Palestine
There is a Jewish maxim that people tend to look for a lost key where there is light and not where they lost the key. The diplomatic efforts to end the Israel/Palestine conflict were a search for the key where there was light.
21 October 2019- Focus
Geopolítica de Turquía después de las elecciones generales y legislativas de 2018
El cambio constitucional en Turquía daría lugar a un nuevo sistema presidencialista, que concentra en la actualidad todo el poder ejecutivo. La capacidad del Parlamento de controlar al gobierno ha sido mermada bajo el nuevo sistema.
20 May 2019- Focus
The Long Retreat from Euro-Mediterranean Integration
Twenty-five years ago, the EU and Southern Mediterranean governments committed themselves to a programme of pan-regional integration. Since then they have gradually turned their backs on this ambitious aim.
18 March 2019- Focus
European Democracy Promotion in the Southern Mediterranean
Half-hearted EU programs in countries such as Morocco run the risk of inadvertently strengthening the hybrid regime in place.
15 March 2019- Spot On
The EU-Arab Summit: A Chance to Reset Relations With the Arab World?
Leaders of the EU and the Arab League states are to meet in Sharm el Sheikh in an unprecedented encounter. With the stakes as they are, neither Europe nor the Arab world can afford a failure.
21 February 2019