Briefs / Focus / Spot Ons
- Focus
The EU in the Arab Spring: A Reinforcer Rather than a Catalyst
The EU has been relatively quick at responding to the changes in its neighborhood. Yet this well-articulated rhetoric has not delivered any efficient strategy thus far.
17 July 2012- Policy Brief
China and the “Arab Spring”: a new player in the Middle East?
Driven by its external resource dependency, China had to adapt its foreign policy to the “Arab Spring” countries. In this process, Beijing showed its willingness to become a more active player to defend its growing interests.
5 July 2012- Policy Brief
L’initiative 5+5 face au nouveau contexte en Méditerranée occidentale
La recherche de pistes de coopération qui ne soient pas seulement bilatérales, mais qui privilégient le développement de partenariats multilatéraux autour de la Méditerranée, est une nécessité.
28 June 2012- Policy Brief
The EU and the Arab Spring, One Year After (a view from the North)
While the EU has delivered reasonably well on money in a context of severe economic crisis, the commitments on markets and mobility require active commitments by EU Member States and are still work in progress.
19 April 2012- Policy Brief
The EU and the Arab Spring, One Year After (a view from the South)
New challenges in the field of democracy promotion need novel and adaptive policies. The EU will have to walk a tightrope between non-interference in domestic political struggles and meddling in domestic politics.
18 April 2012- Policy Brief
Egypt’s Foreign Policy: Post-Western and Pan-Islamic
While the EU and the US are preoccupied with Egypt’s attitude towards them, Israel and Iran, other countries are entering the competition for privileged relations with the transforming Egypt. The new Egyptian foreign policy will not favour the Wes...
8 February 2012- Policy Brief
The Arab Uprisings and the New Geopolitics of the Middle East
The Arab uprisings are not only transforming the political structures of Arab states and societies. The geopolitics of the region is also undergoing profound change, not seen since the 1967 war.
6 February 2012