Briefs / Focus / Spot Ons

Morocco’s November 2011 Elections: Enough to Ensure a Political Transition?
  • Policy Brief

Morocco’s November 2011 Elections: Enough to Ensure a Political Transition?

The question is whether theelections constitute a case of “Moroccan catch-up” with the dynamic of events further east along North Africa’s littoral or whether they reflect the culmination of domestic pressures.

20 diciembre 2011
Le Maroc: Entre l’Islamisme et la Monarchie Parlementaire
  • Policy Brief

Le Maroc: Entre l’Islamisme et la Monarchie Parlementaire

Le Mouvement du 20 février 2011 a brutalement relancé le débat sur les réformes politiques. La contestation politique est entre-temps devenue liberticide avec la fermeture de nombreux journaux privés.

16 diciembre 2011
Elections législatives au Maroc : enjeux, défis et perspectives
  • Policy Brief

Elections législatives au Maroc : enjeux, défis et perspectives

Plus que les élections tunisiennes du 23 octobre, celles du 25 novembre au Maroc déterminent clairement les enjeux politiques, sociaux et idéologiques auxquels le Maghreb est confronté depuis le début du printemps arabe.

15 diciembre 2011
Morocco’s Uncertain Transition
  • Policy Brief

Morocco’s Uncertain Transition

The parliamentary elections that took place in Morocco on 25th November 2011 could mark the beginning of a new phase in the transition of the country towards greater democracy.

7 diciembre 2011
The Libyan Revolution: Outcome and Perspectives – The Social Context
  • Policy Brief

The Libyan Revolution: Outcome and Perspectives – The Social Context

The disappearance of Gaddafi from the scene has not changed the pattern. In fact, with the delicate balance held by Gaddafi gone, the political actors would have to find a new balance.

25 noviembre 2011
The Libyan Revolution: Outcome and Perspectives
  • Policy Brief

The Libyan Revolution: Outcome and Perspectives

The plans for the future can only go forward provided a set of initial conditions are satisfied first. As the chaos surrounding the formation of the new government suggests, this is far from the case at present

21 noviembre 2011
Why Syria’s Crisis Is Political in Nature
  • Policy Brief

Why Syria’s Crisis Is Political in Nature

Many analysts and commentators privilege economic issues as the main reason for the Syrian uprising. However, from the beginning protesters made it clear - they would compromise for nothing other than drastic political change.

4 noviembre 2011
The Coming of the “Arab Autumn”: Lessons Learned from Tunisia’s Democratic Transition
  • Policy Brief

The Coming of the “Arab Autumn”: Lessons Learned from Tunisia’s Democratic Transition

While watching carefully to see how Tunisia’s Islamists will exercise their newly-gained political power, the EU should develop and implement a balanced approach to this North African country.

4 noviembre 2011
Tunisia: The Next Phase
  • Policy Brief

Tunisia: The Next Phase

Election Day has come and gone in Tunisia, marking the end of the first transitional phase of the post-Ben Ali era and the beginning of another. The the challenges facing the Tunisian polity in the coming period are considerable.

4 noviembre 2011
Four Keys to Understand Tunisian Politics after the Elections
  • Policy Brief

Four Keys to Understand Tunisian Politics after the Elections

In the context of increasing panic surrounding the outcome of the Tunisia elections, it is important to stress four key aspects of the current situation, which can help frame discussions of Tunisian politics in a less emotional perspective.`

4 noviembre 2011
The Arab Spring. Is Algeria the Exception?
  • Policy Brief

The Arab Spring. Is Algeria the Exception?

Following the uprising in Tunisia, media attention focused on Algeria, which many believed was next in line.

20 octubre 2011
L’Algérie et le « Printemps Arabe » : un contexte singulier, à court terme, et des perspectives communes, à long terme
  • Policy Brief

L’Algérie et le « Printemps Arabe » : un contexte singulier, à court terme, et des perspectives communes, à long terme

L’Algérie est bien affectée par la vague de contestation politique qui parcourt l’ensemble du monde arabe. Et ce, en raison d’un contexte national singulier, actuellement dominé par dix caractéristiques majeures.

21 septiembre 2011