
Andreu Bassols

Director General, IEMed

The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) has been entrusted by the European Commission to conduct, for the period 2009-2012, a yearly survey of actors and experts on Euro- Mediterranean relations. This activity is part of the programme “Promoting mutual awareness, understanding and cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the European Neighbourhood Region (South)” (EuropeAid/125411/ACT/C/Multi- Lot3), co-funded by the European Union through the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) regional track.

This project is fully in keeping with the IEMed’s mission as an actor of dialogue between the European Union and the Mediterranean countries and as a think tank for the analysis of Euro- Mediterranean relations proposing and disseminating political options, thereby contributing to the building of a real Euro-Mediterranean area. The development of this ambitious Survey has three objectives:

– The thorough assessment of the progress, achievements and shortcomings of each field of action of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, encompassing both the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Union for the Mediterranean.

– The development of an instrument for analysis and mobilisation of experts and policymakers which can contribute to the design and redefinition of Euro-Mediterranean policies.

– The forward-looking identification of the main challenges and trends to identify proposals to confront them.

This second Survey has had the participation of a total of 598 experts, policy-makers and members from civil society from the 43 countries that make up the Union for the Mediterranean, 38% more than last year with a balanced representation of EU countries and Mediterranean Partner Countries.

This report presents the results of this project, bearing in mind that it is not a public opinion survey but an exercise in assessing and identifying the major successes and difficulties, as well as the potential and shortcomings of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP) from the point of view of experts and actors involved. Thus, it is above all an effort to mobilise and generate opinion with respect to Euro-Mediterranean policies in order to reinvigorate the current debate and to launch policy action proposals.

The report is structured in two parts: a descriptive analysis of the results and a more detailed description of the different thematic blocks of the Survey. It is completed with ten qualitative articles which endeavour to analyse and interpret the results. For the preparation of this second qualitative section, we have had the collaboration of experts who have produced these analytical documents.

The Survey fieldwork took place between November and December 2010 and, for this reason, the data collected does not reflect the consequences of the profound changes, still underway, of the uprisings in the Arab world, which will transform Euro-Mediterranean relations. However, in order to integrate reflections on these events, we asked the authors who have contributed to this publication to take these uprisings into consideration along with the new challenges resulting from this process, which the region will have to face.