Briefs / Focus / Spot Ons

Morocco: Popular Mobilization and the Politics of Change
  • Focus

Morocco: Popular Mobilization and the Politics of Change

During the past decade, sustained actions of protest in Morocco have been expressed through peaceful means. Mobilizations converge around social and economic rights, more civil liberties, and more democracy and social justice.

20 May 2019
Geopolítica de Turquía después de las elecciones generales y legislativas de 2018
  • Focus

Geopolítica de Turquía después de las elecciones generales y legislativas de 2018

El cambio constitucional en Turquía daría lugar a un nuevo sistema presidencialista, que concentra en la actualidad todo el poder ejecutivo. La capacidad del Parlamento de controlar al gobierno ha sido mermada bajo el nuevo sistema.

20 May 2019
EU-Islam Dialogue and Engagement. Five Challenges and Opportunities
  • Policy Brief

EU-Islam Dialogue and Engagement. Five Challenges and Opportunities

The issue of cultural and religious values has been brought into the political spotlight. Key political actors, including the EU, consider dialogue and engagement with religious institutions vital resources for achieving stability.

5 April 2019
Toward Understanding Violence and Revising Counter-Violence Policies in the Southern Mediterranean
  • Policy Brief

Toward Understanding Violence and Revising Counter-Violence Policies in the Southern Mediterranean

Back in 2011, a wave of violence started in the Southern Mediterranean region. Central authorities tightened their control to contain it; however, any decrease in the number of violent attacks is misleading.

5 April 2019
Russia’s Arms Exports to the MENA Region: Trends and Drivers
  • Policy Brief

Russia’s Arms Exports to the MENA Region: Trends and Drivers

In recent years, Russia has expanded its arms transfers to MENA seeking to re-establish its influence in the region. To MENA countries, arms acquisitions from Russia is advantageous.

1 April 2019
The Long Retreat from Euro-Mediterranean Integration
  • Focus

The Long Retreat from Euro-Mediterranean Integration

Twenty-five years ago, the EU and Southern Mediterranean governments committed themselves to a programme of pan-regional integration. Since then they have gradually turned their backs on this ambitious aim.

18 March 2019
European Democracy Promotion in the Southern Mediterranean
  • Focus

European Democracy Promotion in the Southern Mediterranean

Half-hearted EU programs in countries such as Morocco run the risk of inadvertently strengthening the hybrid regime in place.

15 March 2019
Human Security & Climate Change. Vulnerabilities in the Sahel
  • Policy Brief

Human Security & Climate Change. Vulnerabilities in the Sahel

New threats to human security emerge in a regional context in the Sahel already characterized by exceptional political instability involving a combination of rebellions, jihadist insurgencies, coups d’état and illegal trafficking.

1 March 2019
Dazed and Confused : Russian “Information Warfare” and the Middle East – The Syria Lessons
  • Policy Brief

Dazed and Confused : Russian “Information Warfare” and the Middle East – The Syria Lessons

“Information warfare” is conceived by the Russian leadership as a potent instrument to achieve its foreign policy objectives. Russian informational strategy following Syria chemical attacks aimed at dividing Western leaders.

27 February 2019
Challenges Faced by Syrian Refugees in the Higher Education Systems of Host Countries and How to Overcome Them. Lessons Learned from Jordan
  • Policy Brief

Challenges Faced by Syrian Refugees in the Higher Education Systems of Host Countries and How to Overcome Them. Lessons Learned from Jordan

The Syrian crisis had a significant impact on most of the countries hosting Syrian refugees. Host countries developed new approaches to deal with the consequences of the prolonged stay of refugees.

25 February 2019
The EU-Arab Summit: A Chance to Reset Relations With the Arab World?
  • Spot On

The EU-Arab Summit: A Chance to Reset Relations With the Arab World?

Leaders of the EU and the Arab League states are to meet in Sharm el Sheikh in an unprecedented encounter. With the stakes as they are, neither Europe nor the Arab world can afford a failure.

21 February 2019
La mobilité des jeunes chercheurs dans l’espace euro-méditerranéen : Réalité, enjeux et facteurs déterminants
  • Policy Brief

La mobilité des jeunes chercheurs dans l’espace euro-méditerranéen : Réalité, enjeux et facteurs déterminants

La réalité actuelle de la mobilité des jeunes chercheurs dans la région euro-méditerranéenne appelle à repenser les politiques qui régissent la libre circulation des connaissances et des porteurs d’idées.

14 January 2019