6th Euromed Capital Forum
17 January 2018- 18 January 2018 | Conference | BarcelonaFollowing the success of the five previous Euromed Capital Forums, this 6th edition takes place in Barcelona. Euromed Capital in collaboration with the IEMed, among others, is organizing the 6th forum in Barcelona under the title “Digital Big Bang in the Euro-Mediterranean countries”, during which several experts from the financial community, politicians and others analyze the impact of digitalisation on the world of business and finance, as well as its key role as a driver of growth for the future. Other topics are also on the table such as the digital revolution and labour revolution; the alliance and co-innovation as a new way for business development; eHealth/Smartcity/4.0 industry/ Energy: the promising sectors of the future; private equity’s role in the digital revolution; and crowd funding and corporate venture.
The Forum addresses a specific question from entrepreneurs and investors: which strategy is needed to adapt to the digital age and how to implement it and strengthen performance and competitiveness?
To answer this question, the event aims at bringing together entrepreneurs, investors, advisors and politicians from the two continents, informing the ecosystem of current events and developments, reflecting on future challenges and communicating on the market’s best practices to facilitate the completion of European-African operations and partnerships.