While European Mediterranean countries are moving towards reducing the share of nuclear electricity in their energy mix, nuclear energy seems to have found new ground in the Middle East and Turkey.
La pandèmia ha dut les ciutats a adaptar-se a la greu crisi econòmica que ha creat. Com a conseqüència, les polítiques d’habitatge urbana és un dels molts sectors on s’ha hagut de replantejar les polítiques urbanes per millorar la resiliè...
The Barcelona Process turns 25 at a time when COVID 19 is putting a strain on the responsiveness of governments, the resistance of economic systems and the resilience of populations almost all over the world.
Plastic drainage from coastal populations into the Mediterranean Sea has been estimated at approximately half a million tonnes per year, which means that it accounts for over 7% of the global load of plastic from land into the ocean.
Contes de 10 joves guanyadors del concurs literari "Un mar de paraules" 2020.
While restoring global health remains the top priority, it cannot be denied that the strict measures enforced have caused massive economic and social shocks.
The decision of Erdogan to deploy the Fatih drilling ship to perform drilling inside the undemarcated Continental Shelf of the Republic of Cyprus in May 2019 constituted a major turning point in Turkey’s strategy for the eastern Mediterranean.
The categorisation of water security as an existential “threat” gives the state a licence to use exceptional measures to address water scarcity, including securitising the field and diminishing measures of transparency.
Over the last decades, the Middle East, and more specifically the Eastern Mediterranean region, has experienced a rapid process of desertification. This increased scarcity has significant political and socioeconomic impacts for the entire region.
In the context of climate change and the growing need to preserve natural resources, the study identifies the main blocking points for the contribution of local and regional authorities in the mentioned areas.