. In addition to having water unevenly allocated in space and time both regionally and within countries, the situation is further exacerbated by intense demographic changes.
With significant natural resources and infrastructures of demonstrated reliability, Algeria exports approximately 65 billion m3 (bcm) of natural gas per year.
The international energy context of the past few years, marked by geopolitical tension and the uncertainty of energy supply security, has strengthened European resolve to foster dialogue in the Mediterranean Basin.
The region only has three oil exporting counties –Algeria, Libya and Syria. Egypt used to be part of this group although as a minor exporter.
Due to its geographical location, the Mediterranean region is one of the areas in the world that is most vulnerable to climate change.
Freshwater plays a pivotal role for sustainable development in the Mediterranean region. Water in the region is unequally distributed both in time and space.
The ongoing debate in Spain about the National Hydrological Plan (NHP) has accelerated the crisis of the structuralist model, which has been the ruling model since the beginning of the twentieth century.
Mediterranean countries’ involvement in the MDGs is extensive and varied. National MDG reports (NMDGRs) have been published in 13 Mediterranean countries, four of them in 2005.
The Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP, in Turkish acronym) is a regional development project aimed at full-fledged socio-economic development of the Upper Mesopotamia.
On the 16th February 2005 the Kyoto Protocol came into effect, after seven years of finalizing negotiations and thirteen years after adopting the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Rio de Janeiro.
The Arab countries have demonstrated progress in many of the MDGs. However, progress varies, across the sub-regions, at the country level, and from goal to goal.
On November 25th, 2005, the city of Barcelona organised a "Conference of Euro-Mediterranean Cities" within the framework of the tenth anniversary of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership.