Certain evident geopolitical issues have been left on the sidelines in the Euro- Mediterranean debate since 1995. This is the case of agricultural exchange, life in rural areas and food security.
Today the great global challenges, such as environmental change or the depletion of natural resources, are turning into strategic issues and influencing international peace and security.
One-third of the respondents agreed that there was improving harmonization and integration of markets and legislation and approximately half saw progress in promoting sustainable development in the energy sector.
Aquesta cinquena edició del Fòrum Euromediterrani de l’Energia està prevista per tal de consolidar la reunió regional entre els països productors i consumidors d’energia i les empreses.
The EU devotes significant effort and resources to coping with the energy climate problem. In this context, the EU launched the Mediterranean Solar Plan as one of the priority projects of the Union for the Mediterranean.
There is ample evidence that climate change will impact the Mediterranean in various ways, but all climate models predict that the region will become drier and hotter and that the intensity of extreme events and drought will increase.
With its great biological and cultural wealth, the Mediterranean region faces the challenge of protecting its biodiversity from the threats of the modern world.
El 30% de las importaciones de petróleo y el 60% de las de gas natural de la Unión Europea provienen de Rusia, en una tendencia creciente.
In addition to the twists and turns of the investment and institutional frameworks in these countries, North African energy supplies have been constrained by domestic energy needs.
El desarrollo urbanístico rompió con las tradiciones e ignoró el entorno. La crisis debe aprovecharse para lograr un equilibrio ecológico, económico y social.
En un esfuerzo por diversificar sus economías y luchar contra el cambio climático, los países del Golfo desarrollan proyectos de exploración de fuentes de energía renovable.
Analysts coincide in confirming that the planet is currently in a situation of environmental scarcity. This scarcity is determined by three main factors.