The EU should be engaged in the reform of multilateral organizations, decisively help Ukraine to achieve a peace and build a Euro-Mediterranean Economic Integration Area.
In the span of a few months, the pandemic of COVID-19 has spread to every corner of the world. The socio-economic repercussions of this crisis will be extremely far-reaching, and will likely unfold for years to come.
The Israeli authorities now have de facto total control of the West Bank, achieved thanks to years of occupation that turned the territory into an Israelized extension of the Jewish State, with Palestinian enclaves surrounded and suffocated by illega...
The Israeli political landscape, which seemed for a while to be heading in the direction of leadership change, turned the other way. Netanyahu managed to navigate the political system to his benefit and to dismantle his key opposition .
In 2021, Euro-African relations will reach a turning point. The sixth Africa-EU Joint Strategy Summit, an event launched ten years ago, will be unlike the others on more than one count.
Over the course of the 2010s, relations between the United Arab Emirates and several countries of the Western Balkans have increasingly tightened. Starting from 2010, good relations have been propelled by a boom of investments.
This year, as it celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Barcelona Declaration and the launching of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, the European Union is dealing with a flurry of new actors that have recently emerged in the Mediterranean region.
Yemen entered its sixth year of conflict in March 2020. Yemeni confrontations and foreign armed interventions on its soil have caused “the worst humanitarian crisis in the world,” according to the UN.
Geopolitics is back. A more aggressive great power competition and the disruptive effects of new technologies have given new impetus to the analysis of the impact of geography on political decisions.
Despite the setbacks caused by the great pandemic of 2020, China's Belt and Road initiative is likely to actively shape the post-COVID-19 realities in the Balkans.
After the rupture of diplomatic relations between the United States and Iran due to the occupation of the US embassy in Tehran, the extremely poor bilateral relations seemed detrimental to the evolution of relations between Iran and the Gulf states.
With Europe caught up in responding to the health and economic crises at home, and Africa facing already devastating economic consequences, the basis of the relationship has shifted.
Geographically, the Maghreb is an integral part of the African continent. And yet, very often, the countries and societies from the Maghreb have given priority to other geographic or cultural identities.