The EU should be engaged in the reform of multilateral organizations, decisively help Ukraine to achieve a peace and build a Euro-Mediterranean Economic Integration Area.
The latest success of the Brothers of Italy, and Sweden’s Democrats in the 2022 general elections in Italy and Sweden, is proving that populist parties, investing in public attitudes to immigration, are here to say.
New edition of the Barcelona Summer School of the Mediterranean and the Middle East, a joint initiative of IBEI and Blanquerna University with the collaboration of the IEMed.
May Darwish explains in this Aula Med article if it's possible to make sense of alliance patterns in the post-2011 Middle East.
Daoud Kuttab explains in this Aula Med article why some journalists, especially in the Arab world, refrain from speaking and writing freely.
Este artículo AulaMed analiza los diferentes grupos de poder fáctico en Yemen así como su narrativa para abordar el proceso de búsqueda de una eventual paz en el país.
This AulaMed article covers the main arguments in favour of the international criminalisation of certain environmental harms.
There are three large lenses through which one can view China’s foreign policy and its policy priorities towards Europe, and specifically the Mediterranean, which are the lenses of geopolitics, connectivity and identity.
The unwillingness of MENA governments to actively support Russia’s war effort or their tendency to pull back from supporting it after their plans for doing so were publicized, shows that there are limits to Moscow’s influence in the MENA region.
Under the slogan "Transforming the Mediterranean", MedCat Days 2023 provides a space for reflexion, debate, workshops of actors, Euro-Mediterranean initiatives and projects, as well as institutional meetings.
AulaMed article on how to approach sectarian identity politics in Middle East international relations during the first post-Arab uprisings decade.
En soutenant économiquement et financièrement les pays africains au nord comme au sud du Sahara, la Chine s’est constitué une clientèle de pays tributaires qui lui permettent de construire son image et d’exercer un pouvoir politique certain.
Lecture by Edward Wastnidge, Senior Lecturer in The Open University's Department of Politics and International Studies, moderated by Olivia Glombitza, Lecturer at the UAB
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