The post-2019 Arab social movements have provided unprecedented opportunities for women's mobilization and the politicization of citizens on gender issues. However, challenges persist.
One of the potentials and, at the same time, one of the most important challenges of the Euro-Mediterranean region, concerns the status of women and their citizen participation.
The combined result of a struggle by women for almost three decades and a certain degree of real political will, the Family Code is more than a simple legal reform.
The modification of the Moudawanna has been received favourably by part of the Algerian women's movement, which has been fighting for the last twenty years against the discrimination.
Desde hace años, los poderes magrebíes, deseosos de responder a las presiones internacionales, han comenzado a aceptar a las mujeres en las esferas dirigentes.
“Desde siempre las mujeres han protegido sus encantos de la lubricidad masculina”.