This paper aims to assess the Haya Karima initiative, launched by the Egyptian government in 2019 to target rural communities to achieve inclusive development and eliminate poverty.
The article analyses how Egypt is contending with the most powerful of economic shocks, as the world concurrently absorbs similar challenges, which only add to exacerbating Egypt’s domestic situation.
Debate about the prospects and challenges for enhancing the financial inclusion of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) as the fundamental condition to spur the recovery in the Mediterranean region.
The study comprises four different sections that tackle different aspects of the job creation potential of the social economy.
Turquía atraviesa una crisis múltiple de gobernanza, cuya salida es dudosa a raíz de la incertidumbre nacional –elecciones en 2023– e internacional como consecuencia de la invasión rusa en Ucrania.
The impacts of the COVID-19 and the future of transport and logistics through multisectoral and multidisciplinary lenses.
It provides recommendations to donors and relevant stakeholders on ways to further empower vulnerable refugees residing in Egypt and help them sustain their businesses in the context of the market’s digital transformation.
This paper explores how the notion of precarity applies to informal construction workers in Egypt. It also assesses the government’s intervention during the pandemic regarding informal irregular workers.
The paper aims to provide policy recommendations to address this chronic problem in the region and focuses mainly on Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco.
The EMGN dedicates its second Annual Conference to discuss ways to consolidate the Credit Guarantee Schemes, their mission, and their impact on the Mediterranean economies.
Las relaciones económicas UE-Magreb prevalecen sobre la diplomacia y otras cuestiones que obstaculizan la construcción de un espacio económico magrebí.
La débil -o falta de- integración comercial, productiva y financiera obstaculiza la creación de un bloque económico regional magrebí
Le conflit du Sahara occidental a bloqué le développement économique du Maghreb et paralysé l'ensemble du projet d'intégration régionale. La rivalité s'exprime au Sahel : si Alger veut faire perdre au Maroc le Sahara occidental, Rabat peut sou...