Senén Florensa
Senén Florensa (Valls, 1950) is the President of the Delegate Committee and General Director of the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) with the range of Executive President, Chair of EuroMeSCo General Assembly, and director of the quarterly afkar/ideas and of the IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook.
A diplomat, he holds a degree in Economic Science and in Law from the Universitat de Barcelona. He studied for his doctorate in Economics at the Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne (1973-1974); as a Fullbright scholarship holder at New York University , Ph. D. Program (1974-1976), and at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where he presented his doctoral thesis in 1979 with the highest qualification of Outstanding Summa Cum Laude. Diploma in International Studies from the Diplomatic School of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation.
Professional experience
- Ambassador Permanent Representative of Spain to United Nations and other International Organizations in Vienna (2018-2020). Within the United Nations, he has been President of the Governing Board of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and President of the Convention of the Parties to the UNODC.
- Consul General of Spain in Rome (2017-2018)
- President of the General Assembly of the EuroMeSCo, a network of think tanks on Euro-Mediterranean policy and security
- Executive President of the IEMed (2013 – 2017)
- President of the Mediterranean Commission of the European League for Economic Cooperation (ELEC)
- Secretary-General for Foreign Affairs of the Government of Catalonia (2011-2012)
- Director general of the IEMed (2006-2011)
- Spanish Ambassador to Tunisia (2000-2004)
- General Director of the Instituto de Cooperación con el Mundo Árabe, Mediterráneo y Países en Desarrollo (ICMAMPD) of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (1996-2000)
- Spanish Secretary of the Spanish-Moroccan Averroes Committee (1996-2000)
- Spanish Consul General in Berlin (1992-1996)
- Member of the Organizing Committee of the Barcelona Olympic Games COOB’92 (1986-1992)
- Secretary-General of the departments of Trade, Consumption and Tourism (1986-1989) and of Territorial Policy and Public Works (1989-1992) of the Government of Catalonia
- First Secretary of the Spanish Embassy at UNESCO (1986)
- Director of the Technical Office of the Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana (1982-1984)
- Advisory member of the Office of the President of the Spanish Government (1979-1982)
He has also been Director of Studies at the Diplomatic School of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation and Professor of International Economics and Development at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He is a member of the Board of Trustees and of the Governing Board of the Universidad Antonio de Nebrija in Madrid.
Selection of articles and publications
- “The Emergence of a New (Multilateral?) Global Order: How Does the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Fit in?” IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2023
- “The Big Powers, the Mediterranean and the Impact of the War in Ukraine (US, EU, Russia, China)” IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2022
- “Barcelona 95, 25 Years on: Some Political Considerations” IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2020
- “The New Mediterranean Geopolitical Framework from the EU Perspective” IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2018
- “El Mediterráneo, entre la geopolítica y la cooperación” Col·lecció Antrazyt – Icària Editorial/IEMed (2017)
- “The Arab Transitions in a Changing World” (dtor) Mediterranean Monographs 11, 2016
- “The Arab Spring in Comparative Perspective” (dtor) Joint Policy Studies, 2015 European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) and the Strategic Studies Network (SSN).
- “The Euromed Dream in the New Hobbessian International Wilderness” IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2015
- “Túnez: un ataque de doble simbolismo” afkar/ideas, Primavera 2015
- “20 años del Proceso de Barcelona” Quaderns de la Mediterrània, 2015
- “Transitions and Regional Geopolitics in the Arab World” IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2014
- “Europa, la Mediterrània i les revolucions àrabs en l’actual puzle geopolític” Anuari de la Mediterrània 2012 (IEMed, CIDOB)
- “Las revoluciones democráticas en los países árabes”. En La Unión por el Mediterráneo: retos de la cooperación institucionalizada en la región, 2011
- “Union for the Mediterranean: Challenges and Ambitions” Mediterranean Yearbook 2010
Before joining the European Institute of the Mediterranean
- “La política regional de la CEE. Fundamentos e instrumentación” Revista de Estudios Internacionales. Vol.7 Núm 2. Abril-junio 1986.
- “La España del plan de estabilización” Siglo XX Historia Universal. Hacia la Unidad Europea; Número 26 (1998). Pag. 83-98
- “España y el crac de 1929” Siglo XX Historia Universal. El Crac de 1929; Número 12 (1998). Pag. 107-122
- “El fin el patrón oro” Siglo XX Historia Universal. Los felices años 20; Número 8 (1997). Pag. 71-84
- “Los años del boom económico” Siglo XX Historia Universal. La España del desarrollo; Número 29 (Agosto 1985). Pag. 7-36
- “El dólar y el oro” Siglo XX Historia Universal. Un mundo en crisis; Número 34 (Enero 1986). Pag. 73-84
- “El Plan Marshall” Siglo XX Historia Universal. La guerra fría. La OTAN frente al Pacto de Varsovia; Número 21 (Diciembre 1984). Pag. 91-102
- “España frente a la gran depresión. Cambios, precios y comercio exterior bajo la II República” En Azaña (1980). Pag. 311-334.
- “El General Prim en su Bicentenario 1814-2014” Ciclo de Mesas redonda. Madrid. Fundación independiente (2014).
- “Economia y comercio exterior en la españa de los años veinte. Un enfoque de la política de Primo de Rivera” Cuadernos Economicos de ICE. Número 10, (1979). Pag. 463-495
- “Comercio exterior y control de cambios en la España de la Anteguerra, 1929-1936” Parte 1 / Parte 2. Política comercial exterior en España (1931-1975). Banco Exterior de España (1979). Pag. 15-141.