Youth Social Entrepreneurship in Turkiye

Necdet Saglam

Co-Head of Turkish Network, Anna Lindh Foundation

In recent years, Turkiye has experienced a significant boom in its entrepreneurial and business activity and, more specifically, in the so-called social entrepreneurship, in which many young people have been interested, driven by a range of initiatives, programmes and funds launched by the government. These young people, many of them social entrepreneurs, assume business leadership from an innovative perspective that aims to cover a social need that the system cannot reach. To do so, they invent and adapt their own resources and tools, often with the help of universities, which, in recent years, have also made an effort to meet the demand of young people and help them find development opportunities. Thus, youth entrepreneurship is a very promising and advantageous self-employment option in Turkiye, which young people take advantage of without hesitation.


In recent years, Turkiye has seen a rise in the popularity of and interest in entrepreneurship. Young people now have a greater interest in entrepreneurship due to the high unemployment rates across the country, technological advancements, and new opportunities. Nowadays, educational programmes from elementary school to university include classes on entrepreneurship. Financial assistance for entrepreneurship in Turkiye is also provided by the government, industry groups, and funders.

Youth entrepreneurship has gained great relevance in Turkiye in recent years. Also, social entrepreneurship, which aspires to provide social value and promote social transformation via the development of initiatives on a variety of topics, has grown to be a significant contributor to the

nation’s development and social welfare. The government and corporate sector have supported social entrepreneurship through initiatives, funding and incubation programmes despite the fact that it faces challenges in Turkiye, such as limited access to funding and a lack of knowledge. As a result, there are now more social enterprises in Turkiye. Notwithstanding these obstacles, social entrepreneurship in Turkiye has a bright future because more young entrepreneurs and investors are becoming interested in it.

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