Scaling Up Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency to Maximise the Socioeconomic Impact ‒ The Case for Household Applications in Jordan

13 février 2023 | Paper | Anglais


slideshow image Photo by Diego Delso 

Within the framework of “Euromesco: Connecting the Dots“, a project co-funded by the European Union and the IEMed.


This policy paper examines the interlinkeages between Jordan’s social and economic development goals and the clean energy and sustainable energy goals. The concept of this report is presented with a focus on Jordan by outlining and analyzing the programs that were put in place where applications for renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) were set for households (HHs) in Jordan and scaled up locally and regionally. This is done in order to maximise the socio-economic impact while at the same time achieving the planned development for vulnerable groups.

What is the interlinkage between Jordan’s clean energy ambitions and plans for social and economic development? What economic and social impacts do Jordan’s RE efforts have on low-income HHs, local communities, and vulnerable groups? How can Community Based Organisations (CBOs) support the implementation of policy actions and related programmes towards energy transition and social justice? This paper provides an overarching analysis, formulates policy recommendations, and proposes actions towards social justice, equity and inclusivity through a sustainable development approach and energy transition.

Visit the EuroMesCo website to download the report.