The Chinese Presence in the Mediterranean
Migration and Mobility. External Borders of the EU
Twin Transitions in the Mediterranean: Environmental & Digital
- Green Hydrogen Partnerships between the EU and the Southern Mediterranean: Challenges and Opportunities for Coherent and Just Energy Transitions Nora Aboushady,Alexia Faus Onbargi
- Digitalization for the Green Transition in the Mediterranean Adel Ben Youssef
- The Green Transition in Mediterranean Countries: Challenges and Perspectives Simone Borghesi,Matteo Mazzarano
- Energy Transition and Prospects for Producing Countries in the MENA Region Manfred Hafner,Pier Paolo Raimondi
Multi-Level Crisis in the Mediterranean Region
- Keys to the Rise of the Far Right in Europe Xavier Mas de Xaxàs
- Conditionality, Economic Restructuring and Intensified Repression: A Global Approach Roberto Roccu
- Escaping the MENA Debt Crisis Ishac Diwan,Ibrahim Elbadawi
- Can Mediterranean Value Chains Offer a Path of Development to the South? Shamel Azmeh
Dossier: Mediterranean Ramifications of the Ukraine War
The Emergence of a New (Multilateral?) Global Order: How Does the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership Fit in?
Russian Strategy toward the MENA Region in the Ukraine War Era
Towards a More GRASSROOT EU Foreign Policy in the MENA Region? A Glossary
Turkey’s Geopolitical Role. Between National Ambitions, Western Anchors and Russian Sway
Ukraine and the Changing Face of the Southern Mediterranean – European Relations
The Ukraine War and European Energy Dependence and Reconfiguration of Energy Relations
Impact on the Southern Mediterranean Actors: Mediterranean Ramifications of the Ukraine War
Navigating Energy Inflation in the Southern Mediterranean: Challenges and Opportunities for Producing and Importing Countries
The Russian Invasion of Ukraine and the Arab and Mediterranean States: Impact and Reactions
Panorama: The Mediterranean Year
Country Profiles
All countries
Geographical Overview
EU Mediterranean Countries
Western Balkans
Mediterranean Partner Countries. Maghreb
- Algeria and Morocco in Africa: Between Normal Competition and Diplomatic Escalation Riccardo Fabiani
- Morocco: The Impact of the War in Ukraine on International and Domestic Affairs. Between Autonomy and Crisis Beatriz Tomé-Alonso
- Algeria: Hiding Continuity and Immobilism behind the Mask of the “New Algeria” Laurence Thieux
- Tunisia: Towards Democratic Collapse Bosco Govantes
- Prospects of Post-conflict Reconstruction in Libya Amal Bourhrous
- Mauritania. General Overview of the Country Baba Adou
Mediterranean Partner Countries. Middle East and Turkey
- A Decade of al-Sisi in Power: Between Economic Crisis, Repression and the Search for International Recognition Bárbara Azaola Piazza
- Jordan: General Overview of the Country Camille Abescat
- Israel in 2023: The Nation-State that Is Not, but Might Be Erwin van Veen
- Palestine: Small Revolutions, Major Deadlock Dima Alsajdeya
- Syria and the Arab League: A Reconciliation Foretold Ignacio Álvarez-Ossorio Alvariño
The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and Other Actors
Strategic Sectors
Security and Politics
Economy and Territory
- Reviving Tourism in MENA Post-Covid-19: Moving towards a Sustainable, Resilient, and Inclusive Recovery Dr Siamak Seyfi
- Egypt’s Economy: Missed Opportunities and Flawed Priorities Mirette F. Mabrouk
- Youthful but Idle: The Case of NEETs in the MENA region Irene Selwaness
- The Mediterranean Sea: Between Geopolitical Challenges and Climate Crisis Claire de Marignan
- Climatic Change and Environmental Disasters in the Mediterranean Area María del Carmen Llasat
- The Need for an Integrated Energy Market in the Euro-Mediterranean Region for Stability and Economic Growth Alessandro Rubino,Tamer Rawashdeh,
- Risks of the New Hydrogen Geopolitics in the Euro-Mediterranean Region Aurèlia Mañé-Estrada
- COPs in the MENA region. Green Washing or Changing Scenario? Zeina Moneer
- More than 20 Years of Major Urban Projects in the Southern Mediterranean: Initial Assessment Pierre-Arnaud Barthel
Culture and Society
- Women’s Mobilization in Arab Social Movements: What Gains, What Pain? Amel Boubekeur
- Wartime Opportunities: The Sway of Russian Disinformation on the MENA Region Abdullatif Sleibi
- Digitalization and Mobility. Artificial Intelligence Applied to Migration and Integration Policy Giuseppe Terranova
- Influence of Populism on the European Migration Agenda Prof. Dr. Ayhan Kaya
- Turkish Soap Operas: Soft Power at the Service of a Rising Power’s Political Ambitions Dr Jana Jabbour
Maps, Charts, Chronologies and other Data
- Turkish Elections (May 2003)
- UK Trade with Mediterranean Countries
- Evolution of Trade between the Mediterranean Countries & some of Their Main International Partners
- Temperature Change (2022)
- Tertiary Education and Gender
- Productive Capacity Index
- Government Lending/Borrowing
- Government Debt
- Electricity Production
- GHG Emissions from Fuel Combustion
- Internet Users
- ICT Prices
- Fertility Rates
- Life Expectancy
- Maritime Transport
- Cost and Affordability of a Healthy Diet (CoAHD)
- Intra-regional Trade Intensity Index (IRTII, 2022) and Intra-regional Trade Shares (IRTS, 2022)
Mediterranean Electoral Observatory
Cooperation in the Mediterranean
Migrations in the Mediterranean
Commercial Relations of the Mediterranean Countries
Signature of Multilateral Treaties and Conventions
The Mediterranean in Brief
- Human Development Index
- Population: Demography
- Population: Structure and Distribution
- Education and Training of Human Capital
- Health and Survival
- Nutrition and Food Security
- Access to Health Resources
- Gender: Social Development
- Technology and Communications
- Security and Military Expenditure
- Economic Structure and Production
- Agriculture
- Livestock
- Fisheries
- Employment and Unemployment
- Income Distribution
- Gender: Economic Activity
- Production and Energy Consumption
- Production, Consumption and Access to Electricity
- CO2 Emissions
- Water
- Environment
- International Trade
- International Trade Exports
- International Trade Imports
- International Tourism in the Mediterranean
- Official Development Assistance in the Mediterranean
- External Debt of Mediterranean Countries
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IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook Editions
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IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook Editions