Arab Transitions
- The Arab Uprising and the Stalled Transition Process Raymond Hinnebusch
- Theoretical Framework and Types of Processes of Political Change Processes in Arab Regimes Inmaculada Szmolka
- Transitions and Regional Geopolitics in the Arab World Senén Florensa
- Gulf Countries and Arab Transitions: Role Support and Effects Abdullah Baabood (PhD)
State of the Play and Outlook of the Syrian Crisis
The Challenges of Young People in Arab Countries
The Future of Europe and Mediterranean Relations
From Revolutions to Constitutions
- Constitutional Models vs Political Reality: The making of Arab Constitutions after the Uprisings Marina Ottaway
- The Secular State for Religious Society: The Role of Islam in New Arab Constitutions and the Quest for Democracy Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na‘im
- Arms above Laws? The Security Sector, Constitutions, and the Arab Uprisings Omar Ashour
- Constitutionalism in 2014: Basic rights in Egypt and Tunisia Chibli Mallat
- Taking Stock of the Arab Post-Revolutionary Period: Elections, Parties and Public Opinion Gema Martín Muñoz
- Constitutions of Arab Countries in Transition: Constitutional Review and Separation of Powers Dr. Clark B. Lombardi
Panorama: The Mediterranean Year
Geographical Overview
Western Balkans
Middle East and Turkey
- Egypt: An Overview Tewfik Aclimandos
- The Situation in Jordan: An Overview Vincent Legrand
- Israel: Domestic Politics and the Israel-Palestine Arena David Newman
- Reflections on the Current Palestinian-Israeli Impasse Mahdi Abdul Hadi
- Seeing the Trees, yet Not Losing Sight of the Forest: the Gezi Eventand Politics of Contestation in Turkey Basak Alpan, Ph.D.
The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and Other Actors
- Towards a Creative and Innovative Mediterranean: An Ambition for Youth Henry Marty-Gauquié
- Entry into Force of the New European Neighbourhood Policy and Negotiation of “Deep and Comprehensive” Free Trade Areas: A European Neighbourhood Policy Running at Different Speeds Erwan Lannon
- Russia and the Arab Spring Irina Zvyagelskaya
Strategic Sectors
Security & Politics
- The On-going Challenge of Non-conventional Weapons in the Middle East Dr Jean Pascal Zanders
- Iran: Assessing New, Emerging Geopolitics in the Middle East Ambassador Seyed Hossein Mousavian
- Middle East: Alliances in Times of Turmoil Haizam Amirah-Fernández
- The Inverse Trajectories of the Salafists in Tunisia and Egypt Jean-Pierre Filiu
Economy and Territory
- Diplomacy and Agricultural Cooperation to Relaunch the Euro-Mediterranean Dynamic Cosimo Lacirignola
- Survey of the Causes and Consequences of the Arab Spring: Storm Warning for Tourism Mimoun Hillali
- From Oil Subsidies to Social Benefits Paolo Brunori
- Youth Unemployment in Mediterranean Countries Dr Werner Eichhorst,Franziska Neder
- The Importance of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and Potential Drawbacks for Mediterranean Countries Giorgia Giovannetti ,Mauro Lanati
- The Development of Commercial Relations between Morocco and Latin America Dr. Mohcine Mounjid
- Investment in Turbulent Times: How Political Turbulence Has Affected the FDI Level in the MENA Region Anna M. Ferragina
- Geostrategic Implications of Climate Change in the Mediterranean Mohamed Behnassi
- The Economic Costs of Climate Change Francesco Bosello,Fabio Eboli
- Energy Infrastructures in the Mediterranean: Fine Accomplishments but No Global Vision Abdelnour Keramane
Culture & Society
- The Role of Egyptian Media in the Coup Fatima el Issawi
- North African Women’s Rights in the Aftermath of the Arab Spring Fatima Sadiqi
- Binationals: Human Capital at the Service of the Economic Development of the Maghreb Fatima Lahnait
- Mixed Flows at the Borders of Europe: The Case of Lampedusa Lorenzo Coslovi
- Mobility and Migration from the Southern Mediterranean States to the GCC Zahra R.Babar
- The EU Asylum System: Challenges and Shortcomings Steve Peers
- Islamophobic Trends in Europe Marwan Mohammed
- Cultural and Religious Diversity in Europe: The Challenges of Pluralism Parvati Nair
- Humour: A Change Agent in the Arab World Pedro Rojo Pérez
- MAP A.1 5th Euromed Survey of Experts and Actors. Syrian Conflict Scenarios
- MAP A.2 Israeli Settlements in the West Bank (2000-2012)
- MAP A.3 5th Euromed Survey of Experts and Actors. Prospects of democracy
- MAP A.4 Gross Domestic Product Growth (2012)
- MAP A.5 Mining Production in the Mediterranean (2011)
- MAP A.6 CO2 Emissions in the Mediterranean (2011)
- MAP A.7 Women Labour Force Participation Rate (2012)
- MAP A.8 Youth and Labour Market (2012)
- MAP A.9 Life Expectancy at Different Ages (2010)
- MAP A.10 Cinema
- MAP A.11 Agricultural Production
- MAP A.12 Freedom in the Mediterranean
- MAP A.13 Oil and Natural Gas. Reserves and Production in the Mediterranean
- MAP A.14 Tourism in the Mediterranean
- MAP A.15 Civil War in Syria. Situation in July 2014
- MAP A.16 International Migrant Stock from South and East Mediterranean Countries (SEMC)
- MAP A.17 Fertility Rates in Mediterranean Countries
- MAP A.18 Maritime Transport
Mediterranean Electoral Observatory
Cooperation in the Mediterranean
Migrations in the Mediterranean
The Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements
Signature of Multilateral Treaties and Conventions
The Mediterranean in Brief
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