After the Arab Spring: Transitions in the Arab World
- From Revolution to the Project of Democracy: The Difficulties of Organising the Tunisian Transition Khadija Mohsen-Finan
- Political Reform in Egypt Bahgat Korany
- The Role of Political Islam in Arab Transitions: Year II of the Arab Spring, between Islamism, Democratic Transition and New Power Relations Karim Sader
- Islamism: from Dissent to Power Mohammed El Ayadi
- The Mediterranean: Past, Present and Future Miguel Ángel Moratinos
Economic Crisis: Towards a New Economic Governance
Turkey: a New Power in the Mediterranean
EU Policies and Perspectives towards the Mediterranean
The Awakening of the Civil Society in the Mediterranean
- Arab Spring: The Awakening of Civil Society. A General Overview Francesco Cavatorta
- Women and the Arab Revolutions: Changes against All Odds Randa Achmawi
- Social Protests in Egypt before and after the 25 January Revolution: Perspectives on the Evolution of their Forms and Features Nadine Abdalla
- Social Mobilisation and the Construction of Citizenship Quim Brugué
- On the Fringe of the Arab Spring: The Tent Protest in Israel Anat Lapidot-Firilla
- Youth, those Anti-Heroes of the Arab Spring Sylvie Floris
Panorama: The Mediterranean Year
The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Governance and New Political Actors
- Governance in the Southern Mediterranean after the Arab Spring: Drawing Up a New Social Contract Mohammad Pournik
- The Role of the Military in Arab Transitions Philippe Droz-Vincent
- Constitutional Reforms in Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Jordan: A Comparative Assessment Dr Imen Gallala-Arndt
- The Thorny Question of Minority Rights in Euro-Mediterranean Relations Erwan Lannon
Mediterranean Politics
- Elections in Spain: A Political Change in the Framework of a Major International Crisis William Chislett
- Evolving Greek Politics amidst the Crisis: Destination Unknown Takis S. Pappas ,Paris Aslanidis
- Italy: Economic Crisis, Domestic Politics and the International Panorama Lucio Caracciolo
- Algeria in the Face of the Arab Spring: Diffuse Pressure and Sustained Resilience Louisa Dris-Aït Hamadouche
- The Libyan Revolution and the Rise of Local Power Centres Wolfram Lacher
- Tunisia and Libya in the Intra-Maghrebi Dynamics of the Arab Spring Mansouria Mokhefi
- Israel/Palestine: A Process of Peace or of Obstacles and Asymmetries? Pere Vilanova
- Syria, Vertigo in the Face of a Radicalised Revolution and an Uncertain Future Lurdes Vidal
- The Fragile Balance in Lebanon: Domestic Tension and Foreign Pressure Karam Karam
- Cyprus-Turkey: Growing Tensions James Ker-Lindsay
- EU Enlargement in South Eastern Europe: Two Recent Success Stories and Their Implications Kristof Bender
- Explaining Democratic Stagnation in the Western Balkans Soeren Keil
Economy and Territory
Productive Structure and Labour Market
Commercial Relations
Sustainable Development
Territory and Transport
Culture and Society
Development and Cooperation
- MAP A.1 Public debt
- MAP A.2 European Development Aid
- MAP A.3 Euromed Survey: Experts and Actors in the Euro-Mediterranean Zone 2011. General Evaluation of the Euro-Mediterranean Association
- MAP A.4 Euromed Survey: Experts and Actors in the Euro-Mediterranean Zone 2011. Prospects of Sustainable Democracy
- MAP A.5 Brief Chronology of the Arab Revolutions
- MAP A.6 Elections in Tunisia (23 October 2011)
- MAP A.7 Cereal Trade
- MAP A.8 Remittances in the Mediterranean
- MAP A.9 Population
- MAP A.10 Urbanisation
- MAP A.11 Military Expenditure and Arms Transfers in the Mediterranean
- MAP A.12 Intra-Mediterranean Trade. Imports
- MAP A.13 Intra-Mediterranean Trade. Exports
- MAP A.14 Air Connectivity Index
- MAP A.15 Social Networks in the Mediterranean: Facebook
- MAP A.16 Travel and Tourism Sector in the Mediterranean
- MAP A.17 Maritime Borders and Main Gas Fields in the Levant Basin
- MAP A.18 Female Activity
- MAP A.19 Youth Unemployment
Mediterranean Electoral Observatory
Cooperation in the Mediterranean
Migrations in the Mediterranean
The Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements
Signature of Multilateral Treaties and Conventions
The Mediterranean in Brief
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