Armed Conflicts in the Mediterranean
New Factors in the Geostrategies of the Mediterranean
- Iran, a Geopolitical Player in the Middle East Gema Martín Muñoz
- French Initiative in the Mediterranean Region: Back to Square One? Jean-Robert Henry
- The European Project in the Mediterranean, Barcelona Plus Juan Prat y Coll
- US Policy in the Middle East in 2007: In Quest of a Success Augustus Richard Norton
New Economic Actors in the Mediterranean
Water in the Mediterranean
- Resources and Water Demand. Forecasts for the Future of Water in the Mediterranean Mohammed Blinda
- Water Management in the Mediterranean Countries of the European Union Juan Cánovas Cuenca
- Green Water and Effective Legislation for Transboundary Water Management Khaled AbuZeid, PhD, PE, PMP
- Groundwater Resources in the Mediterranean Region: Importance, Uses and Sharing Alice Aureli,Jacques Ganoulis,Jean Margat
- The Hydropolitics of the Mediterranean Habib Ayeb
- The Economic Value of Water and its Implications in the Mediterranean Basin M. A. Soler Manuel
- Impacts of Climate Change on the Mediterranean Area: its Relevance to the Water Issue Marta Moren Abat
- Water Governance in the Mediterranean Region and Public Involvement Anthi Dionissia Brouma ,Michael J. Scoullos
- Shared Basin Management (Conflict versus Cooperation). A Case Study: the Nile Basin Tarek Majzoub
- Shared Basin Management (Disputes Vs Cooperation). A Case Study: Israel-Palestine Julie Trottier, Ph.D
- Towards an Euro-Mediterranean Water Strategy? Iván Martín
Panorama: The Mediterranean Year
The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
Mediterranean Politics
- The New Challenges of the European Project. A View from the 50th Anniversary of the European Union Enrique Barón Crespo
- 2007 in Greece: Paving the Way for a Major Political Realignment Michalis Spourdalakis
- The Sense of Elections in the Maghreb Countries Khadija Mohsen-Finan
- Contradictory Signals from Libya Isabelle Werenfels
- Algeria in 2007: a Year of Elections, Foreign Currency and Investment but also of Terrorism and Social Tensions Rafael Bustos
- Israel: A Cul De Sac State 2007 Ilan Pappe
- Political Transitions in the Arab World Dina Shehata
- Syria 2007: Outcome and Outlook Salam Kawakibi
- Avoidance of a Political Crisis in Turkey Cengiz Aktar
- Kosovo, a Tentative Independence Jean-Arnault Dérens
- The Balkans in 2007: The Europeanist Mirage? Francisco Veiga
Economy and Territory
Productive Structure and Labour Market
Commercial Relations
- Natural Gas in the Mediterranean: More than Just a Commodity, Less than a Factor of Interdependence? Hakim Darbouche ,Hadi Hallouche
- 2007: the Year that Saw the First Step towards a Future European Policy on Remittances Iñigo Moré
- The Agro-Food Sector in the Mediterranean: a Bridge Between the Two Shores Josep Puxeu
Sustainable Development
Territory and Transport
Culture and Society
Development and Cooperation
- Migration in the MENA Region: an Overview Heba Nassar
- Searching for Instability? Refugees and Displaced People in the Middle East Gemma Pinyol
- “Dying to make it to (and in) Europe”. Managing Migration in a Mediterranean context Peter Schatzer
- Circular Migrations in the Euro-Mediterranean Space or when Migrant Workers Contribute to Prosperity without Reaping the Fruits of Integration? Nathalie Jouant
Cultural Dialogue
- The Strategic Proposal for the Candidacy of the Mediterranean Diet for Inclusion in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage Sandro Dernini
- The Dialogue of Cultures in Questions Thierry Fabre
- Summer Festivals in Morocco: International Influence and a Factor of Social Cohesion Fadma Aït Mous,Mohamed Wazif
Chronology of Major Conflicts and Political Events
Chronology Israel - Palestine
Chronology of the Barcelona Process
Other Cooperation Initiatives in the Mediterranean
Mediterranean Electoral Observatory
Cooperation in the Mediterranean
European Union Cooperation
Spanish Cooperation in the Mediterranean
Migrations in the Mediterranean
Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements
Signature of Multilateral Treaties and Conventions
The Mediterranean in Brief
List of the Organisms Consulted for Drawing Up Tables, Charts and Maps
Country Abbreviations in Tables, Charts and Maps
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Index of Boxes
Index of Tables
Index of Charts
Index of Maps
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