The Western Mediterranean Transport and Logistics Sector in the post-COVID-19 Era: Seizing New Opportunities, Accelerating Transitions

4 October 2021- 5 October 2021. From 14:45  To 13:15 | Conference | English | Malta
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In the context of the Group of Ministers of Transport of the Western Mediterranean countries (GTMO 5+5), cooperation and dialogue among the members of the 5+5 Dialogue is more necessary than ever to advance towards a more integrated, connected and resilient Western Mediterranean transport and logistics sector in the post-COVID-19 era. On the occasion of the 10th Conference of Ministers of Transport of the 5+5 Dialogue in Malta, this thematic seminar, organised in the framework of the Medthink 5+5 network by the European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed) and the Centre for Transportation Studies for the Western Mediterranean (CETMO), aims to initiate an in-depth discussion to identify the current perspectives and key opportunities for the sector to better prepare and adapt itself to the post-COVID-19 era while promoting Western Mediterranean integration and co-development.  

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted governments in the Western Mediterranean to take severe measures to curtail socio-economic activities over the last months which have impacted the transport and logistic sector. The impacts of the pandemic have led institutions, academia, civil society, and business representatives to reflect upon possible post-COVID-19 scenarios that could have a lasting effect on the sector. Re-inventing the transport and logistic sector by embracing the green and digital revolutions is nowadays a priority, especially in the face of the hardship generated by the COVID-19 pandemic. These transitions are key factors to spur a sustainable development as emphasised by the new EU’s Agenda for the Mediterranean and could help considerably the Western Mediterranean transport and logistics sector recover from the COVID-19 crisis, by improving its resilience and fostering its modernisation to boost growth, innovation, and competitiveness. In this line, the development of North-South multi-modal transport connections to foster regional integration and competitiveness remains also a key priority for the sector. 

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Senén Florensa

Executive president IEMed

Pere Pedrosa

President CETMO

Ian Borg

Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects Government of Malta

Roger Albinyana

Director of Mediterranean Regional Policies and Human Development, European Institute of the Mediterranean IEMed

Michaël Tanchum

Professor University of Navarra

Jérôme Verny

Professor of Supply Chain Management NEOMA Business School

Giorgia Giovannetti

Vice President for International Relations and Full Professor of Economics University of Florence

Roel Janssens

Secretary to the Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Enric Pons

Project Manager CETMO

Marc Guigon

Director of Passenger Department International Union of Railways

Eduard Rodès

Director Escola Europea –Intermodal Transport

Frederico Francisco

Advisor to the Minister of Infrastructure and Housing Government of Portugal

Mustapha El Khayat

President Association marocaine pour la Logistique

Lucienne Meilak

Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects Government of Malta

Ali Tounsi

Secretary General, ACI Afrique

Isabel Velasco


Youssef Ahouzi

Acting Director General PORTNET Public Limited Company

Mohamed Mezghani

Secretary General Union Internationale des Transports Publics

Younes Touitha

Infrastructure Technical Expert Arab Maghreb Union

Mohamed Ayadi

Secretary General Trans-Saharan Road Liaison Committee

Josep Vicent Boira

Comissioner Spanish Government for theMediterranean Corridor

Sassi Hammami

Former Secretary Generalof the Ministry in charge of Transport Tunisia

Jordi Torrent

Head of Strategy Port of Barcelona

Francesc Carbonell

Head of Sector for Transport Union for the Mediterranean

Alberto Palacios

Acting Director Centre for Transportation Studies for the Western Mediterranean