Ramon Llull and The Cultures Encounter
30 June 2018. From 18:00 | Cultural activity | Catalan | Vilassar de Dalt‘Ramon Llull and the cultures encounter’ is a traveling exhibition that the IEMed launched in 2007 and which has visited capitals such as Rabat, Algiers, Tunis, Barcelona, Brussels and Rome, and also expanded to Year Llull (2015-2016) to commemorate the 700th anniversary of the death of the humanist, with the aim of highlighting the importance of his work and his life trajectory from the Middle Ages to the present.
On this occasion, the Museum Archive of Vilassar de Dalt is hosting this exhibition, which allows us to learn more about the medieval Llull family and their commitment to promoting Lullian work and the dialogue they maintained with the Muslim world. This activity is organized in the framework of the European Year of Heritage, with the collaboration of the Diputació de Barcelona, the Ramon Llull Documentation Center of the University of Barcelona and the sponsorship of Obra Social ‘La Caixa’.
Among the funds chosen for the exhibition is a copy of Ramon Llull’s will. It underlines the interest of Llull in his Barcelonian relatives, who always protected and promoted his work and figure. The exhibited funds also document other aspects of the family or their interests in Mallorca, Sardinia or Valencia.