Educate in Diversity. Building Citizenship

2 July 2021- 3 July 2021. From 11:30  To 18:00 | Cultural activity | Morocco
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The project “Educate in Diversity. Building Citizenship” is based on developing the knowledge and social, civic and intercultural skills of young people through interactive workshops that lead to the development of artistic products. Its main objective is to improve the social, civic and intercultural capacities and skills of young people in the Euromed zone through educational / artistic workshops delivered on the basis of cross-border and regional collaboration and the creation of networks and activities.

A total of 9 educational, artistic and creative projects are carried out (3 per country) involving a total of 21 entities from Spain, Morocco and Belgium. 36 hours of workshops are held, 24 of which are intended for young people and 12 hours of training for educators.

This final forum is used to evaluate the development of each of the projects. Each project leader presents and explain the development and difficulties encountered, as well as the added value of their initiative. Finally, it is a space to share the good practices learnt, show the final artistic products of each project and share the different experiences in order to be able to replicate this action in the future. It is also a space to strengthen the ties and networks created through these initiations, in addition to fostering intercultural dialogue between the attendees.



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