Educators in Dialogue, Youth in Debate: Countering Violent Extremism

28 October 2015. From 10:30 | Conference | English | Madrid
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With the organization of a workshop on the prevention of radicalization through education, the IEMed takes part in the international conference Madrid + 10. The event, organized by the Club of Madrid and closed by the Secretary General of the United Nations , Ban Ki Moon, brings together international political leaders, experts and leading civil society actors to address how to combat violent extremism.

The workshop presents two different perspectives one based on the experience of youth and the other on the education system. The first panel presents research and innovative methodologies, developed by the Anna Lindh Foundation, to better support the empowerment of youth and thus countering the risk of young people falling into the trap of radicalization leading to violent extremism. The panel presents a unique platform for discussion on a pioneering theory of change and a roadmap for investment in youth. The second panel, organized by IEMED, discusses ways to address the gap between the value system, and the social and political reality. It also looks at original policies aimed at transforming and improving education practices and the challenges being faced in both the north and the south of the Mediterranean.



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