

22 Nov 2016
25 Nov 2016
Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona

Mediterranean Cities: Space and Territory

The second edition of the international seminar “Mediterranean Cities: Space and Territory” is attended by half a hundred outstanding researchers who, based on the historical evolution of cities, address several of their current problems.


17 Nov 2016
18 Nov 2016
Citilab Cornellà del Llobregat

The Mediterranean As An Open Living Lab

Representants de centres d'innovació digital, social i col·laborativa del Líban, Grècia, Turquia, el Marroc, França, Egipte, Itàlia, Israel, Tunísia participen en un seminari euromediterrani aquest dijous i divendres al Citilab de Cornellà.


21 Jan 2016
22 Jan 2016
Palau de Pedralbes, Barcelona

The Mediterranean under the Academic Lens

The conference is part of the interdisciplinary research seminar "The Mediterranean under the academic lens: 2016 in perspective", which is structured in six sessions each dedicated to a topic. It is part of the program Aula Mediterrània.