

16 Nov 2021

Virtual Launch of “CLUSTER – advanCing youth and women sociaL inclUSion in The MEditerRanean”

The CLUSTER Launch Conference is a high-level event strengthening networking and dialogue among relevant stakeholders, as a step towards the creation of a supportive regional environment for the employment of NEETs.


04 Nov 2021
05 Nov 2021

Communicating the Mediterranean with a Gender Perspective

With the aim of promoting the circulation of knowledge and strengthening trans-Mediterranean exchange, the network seeks to give visibility to silenced realities.

Cultural activity

04 Nov 2021
05 Nov 2021
IEMed, Barcelona

Communicating the Mediterranean with a Gender Perspective

In the wake of the Barcelona Process, the European Network of Women Journalists is putting together a meeting of women journalists and communicators from the Mediterranean


07 May 2021

Fostering Women’s Economic Participation in the Western Mediterranean: Successful policies for in-depth transformations

This online conference seeks to present gender equality as a cross-sectional axis to build more prosperous, inclusive and sustainable societies.