Mediterranean Cities: Space and Territory
The second edition of the international seminar “Mediterranean Cities: Space and Territory” is attended by half a hundred outstanding researchers who, based on the historical evolution of cities, address several of their current problems.
The Mediterranean As An Open Living Lab
Representants de centres d'innovació digital, social i col·laborativa del Líban, Grècia, Turquia, el Marroc, França, Egipte, Itàlia, Israel, Tunísia participen en un seminari euromediterrani aquest dijous i divendres al Citilab de Cornellà.
The Mediterranean under the Academic Lens
The conference is part of the interdisciplinary research seminar "The Mediterranean under the academic lens: 2016 in perspective", which is structured in six sessions each dedicated to a topic. It is part of the program Aula Mediterrània.