Presentation, in Barcelona, of the Project “Strengthening the Capacity of the Actors Working for Equality” within the 3rd High-level Conference by the UfM on Women’s Empowerment
The third conference organised by the UfM on women’s empowerment brings together key actors in the fight for gender equality in the region. Discussions revolve around issues in the region, where women have a relevant role to play.
Cultural activity
Women And Transgression In The New Arabic Comic
Inauguration of the exhibition "Reeds and vignettes: Arab comics in motion", which includes a complete overview of comics and current graphic novels in the Arab world through twenty-three works, produced between 2007 and 2015.
Capacity-Building Workshop in Advocacy and Policy Dialogue for Gender Equality, in Barcelona
36 representatives of civil society organizations working for gender equality in Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Jordan, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Greece and Belgium gather in Barcelona for a capacity-building workshop.