2024 Meeting of the Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation

19 March 2024- 20 March 2024 | Conference | Spanish | Barcelona (different locations)

The XXIII Meeting of the Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation focuses on various pressing topics in the Mediterranean region. The first day commences at the IEMed with a presentation of the current program of the Anna Lindh Foundation, showcasing its outcomes and prospects, with presentations from the Foundation and the Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation (ReFAL). Topics such as new vulnerabilities, universality from multiple identities, and citizenship and participation are to be discussed.

The meeting also includes an Intercultural Marathon, held at the Blanquerna-URL Faculty of Communication and International Relations. This activity aims at exploring, celebrating, and connecting different intercultural projects within the network.

The following day at the Fundació Bofill, discussions revolve around effective communication strategies in intercultural settings through workshops on podcasts and awareness campaigns. The Plenary Session is to debate a sensitization campaign for the next stage of ReFAL, followed by reflections with youth members on their social and innovative skills for transforming Mediterranean societies in the framework of the presentation of the last issue of the IEMed’s journal Quaderns de la Mediterrània.

Additionally, participants of the meeting are invited to the popular Iftar organized by the Ibn Battuta Foundation at the Maritime Museum of Barcelona with the collaboration of the IEMed. It is necessary to confirm attendance online using this form.

In collaboration with Anna Lindh Foundation based in Alexandria, the Spanish network promotes intercultural dialogue and coexistence in diversity through projects in the fields of culture and education.

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