Policy Studies /
Papers / Reports

Environmental and Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean
  • Paper

Environmental and Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean

The quality of the Mediterranean environment has been increasingly degraded by rapid urbanization and various human activities. These pressures generate major environmental problems expected to be exacerbated by climate change.

24 June 2010
The Mediterranean Solar Plan as a Euro-Mediterranean vector of Integration and Economic Development
  • Report

The Mediterranean Solar Plan as a Euro-Mediterranean vector of Integration and Economic Development

This document seeks to stimulate discussion about the Mediterranean Solar Plan project, offering a basis for reflection on the conditions under which, at least partly, the obstacles it is facing could be overcome.

17 May 2010
Climate Change and Mediterranean Security
  • Paper

Climate Change and Mediterranean Security

As the 20th century ended, the shift in international relations led to a new definition of the concept of international security. Climate change became a security issue for Western countries, leading to a necessary change of policies.

15 March 2010