Policy Studies /
Papers / Reports

On the Insufficiencies and Dark Side of the Principle of Differentiated Bilateralism
  • Paper

On the Insufficiencies and Dark Side of the Principle of Differentiated Bilateralism

The essay is a critical assessment of the current state of the ENP through the prism of the principle of differentiated bilateralism, beyond the debate between normative and realist approaches of EU foreign policy.

20 November 2019
Cooperation with Religious Institutions as a European Policy Tool
  • Policy Study

Cooperation with Religious Institutions as a European Policy Tool

For at least three decades now religion has been re-entering the public sphere and politics in Europe and globally. Its re-emergence, however, bears little resemblance to the past when the religion-state coupling was unequivocal.

20 May 2019
Global Power Shifts, Rational Choice and Role Conflict: Explaining the Trajectories of the Central Maghreb Countries’ EU Policies since 2011
  • Paper

Global Power Shifts, Rational Choice and Role Conflict: Explaining the Trajectories of the Central Maghreb Countries’ EU Policies since 2011

This paper seeks to trace and explain the diverging and non-linear trajectories of the three central Maghreb countries’ foreign policies towards the EU since the 2011 Arab Uprisings.

18 April 2019
The Role of Russia in the Middle East and North Africa Region. Strategy or Opportunism?
  • Policy Study

The Role of Russia in the Middle East and North Africa Region. Strategy or Opportunism?

Over the last few years, the myth of a Russian “return” to the MENA region has captured increasing attention all over the area and beyond. Is the growing Russian assertiveness in the region enough to speak of a proper Moscow “strategy”?

16 April 2019