Policy Studies /
Papers / Reports

The Impact of Migration Policies on the EU’s Image as a Value-Driven Normative Actor
  • Paper

The Impact of Migration Policies on the EU’s Image as a Value-Driven Normative Actor

The EU has consistently tried to portray itself as a force for good in global affairs. However, its policies towards rising social and political challenges in its neighbourhood have severely damaged this self-constructed image.

17 December 2019
Who Owns What? – Free Trade Policies, Migration Management and the Ambiguity of “Joint Ownership”
  • Paper

Who Owns What? – Free Trade Policies, Migration Management and the Ambiguity of “Joint Ownership”

Despite the appearance of joint ownership in several EU documents, the definition offered remains quite vague. Thus, how can the operationalisation of the concept be evaluated?

5 December 2019
A Tale of Two Agreements: EU Migration Cooperation with Morocco and Tunisia
  • Paper

A Tale of Two Agreements: EU Migration Cooperation with Morocco and Tunisia

While the EU lacks flexibility and a real willingness to build tailor-made partnerships, the interest of Tunisia and Morocco in pushing forward the talks seems to be limited.

14 May 2019