Policy Studies /
Papers / Reports
- Policy Study
Conflict in Libya: A Multidimensional Crisis: State of Play and Paths towards a Sustainable Peace
Libya is a sufficiently relevant issue on which the existing cooperation forged by the Western Mediterranean Forum can be strengthened and deepened without it losing cohesion and inclusiveness among its member states.
16 October 2017- Paper
Militia Institutionalisation and Security Sector Reform in Libya
Putting an end to the ongoing political and military conflict in Libya requires effectively dealing with one of the major security threats: militias and armed groups.
15 June 2017- Paper
Building Partnerships in Challenging Times: The Defence Arrangements of Tunisia
In light of the security challenges of the post-Arab Spring, Tunisia has been seeking for new international partnerships and assistance in order to modernise its defence forces and tackle security threats.
10 May 2017- Paper
Post-Conflict Re-Construction in MENA: Previous Experiences and Stakeholder’s Inclusive Involvement in the Future Reconstruction of Libya, Syria and Iraq
The chosen reconstruction process and model will be critical to define the reconfigurations in Syria and Libya and give shape to that new order and power-sharing structures settling down with peace.
11 April 2017- Paper
The European Union and the External Dimension of Security: Supporting Tunisia as a Model in Counter-Terrorism Cooperation
The case of Tunisia is one of the most interesting to study in terms of adaptation of a transitional regime to a new counter-terrorism strategy and of the influence the EU could exert on the development of policies in the security sector.
4 April 2017