Policy Studies /
Papers / Reports

The Future of Euro-Mediterranean Regional Cooperation: The Role of the Union for the Mediterranean
  • Paper

The Future of Euro-Mediterranean Regional Cooperation: The Role of the Union for the Mediterranean

The UfM has attracted wide attention less because of its achievements than because of its stalemate. However, through the UfM’s focus on concrete initiatives, it could be a valuable framework for upgrading Euromed relations.

24 November 2011
Adjusting to External Norms and Standards of the “West”: The Case of Israel
  • Paper

Adjusting to External Norms and Standards of the “West”: The Case of Israel

The long negotiations to enter the OECD somewhat detracted from the attention the government of Israel devoted to the powerful message initially sent by the EU in 2003-2004 offering Israel a “stake in the Internal Market.”

19 October 2011
Sub-Regionalism in North Africa and the Middle East: Lessons Learned and New Opportunities
  • Paper

Sub-Regionalism in North Africa and the Middle East: Lessons Learned and New Opportunities

Sub-regional processes in the MENA are still an unresolved matter. The evolution of these processes conditions broader cooperation at regional level, which is currently in a period of stand-by.

27 July 2011
What Next in Turkish-Israeli Relations?
  • Paper

What Next in Turkish-Israeli Relations?

The Mavi Marmara tragedy in May 2010 represented a new low point in Turkish-Israeli relations. The leaders of both countries have used rhetoric, which, though originally intended for their domestic audiences, severely influenced the bilateral relatio...

21 July 2011
Euromed+15. New Paths of Cooperation Across the Mediterranean
  • Report

Euromed+15. New Paths of Cooperation Across the Mediterranean

This volume contains the edited speeches delivered at the 2010 EuroMeSCo conference held to debate the future of Euro-Mediterranean politics in the light of the new geopolitical context.

10 May 2011