Briefs / Focus / Spot Ons

No Longer a New Kid on the Block – China in the Middle East
  • Spot On

No Longer a New Kid on the Block – China in the Middle East

Given China’s growing role in the complex security dynamics in the Middle East and North Africa, the EU should intensify its dialogue and, where interests coincide, joint action with Beijing.

15 December 2017
No Need for Spoilers in the EU-Tunisia Relationship
  • Spot On

No Need for Spoilers in the EU-Tunisia Relationship

In December 2017 Council conclusions, EU Finance Ministers listed Tunisia as one of the 17 non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes. There is an opportunity to reverse this decision at the next ECOFIN meeting.

11 December 2017
La rivalidad por la hegemonía regional de Oriente Medio: El caso de Arabia Saudí
  • Focus

La rivalidad por la hegemonía regional de Oriente Medio: El caso de Arabia Saudí

El reino de Arabia Saudí, uno de los estados musulmanes más influyentes del planeta, ha imprimido un cambio notable a su política exterior desde el inicio de la llamada Primavera Árabe en 2011.

20 November 2017
EU Good Offices in Revolutionary Egypt (2012-2013)
  • Focus

EU Good Offices in Revolutionary Egypt (2012-2013)

The assessment of the period from Mubarak’s fall to the launching of a new political regime remains deeply controversial, with judgements often clouded by very strong emotions in Egypt and differing international agendas.

6 February 2017