Briefs / Focus / Spot Ons

Ceasefire Agreements Will Not Work: Activation of the Peace Process is the Solution
  • Policy Brief

Ceasefire Agreements Will Not Work: Activation of the Peace Process is the Solution

The recent ceasefire agreement signed in Cairo between Hamas and Israel was certainly not the first ceasefire since the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip in June 2007, and unfortunately will not be the last.

28 noviembre 2012
Elections in Libya
  • Policy Brief

Elections in Libya

The election of a new national assembly in Libya is good news in several respects. Perhaps the first piece of good news is the simple fact that it actually took place and did so in a relatively peaceful atmosphere.

24 julio 2012
The EU in the Arab Spring: A Reinforcer Rather than a Catalyst
  • Focus

The EU in the Arab Spring: A Reinforcer Rather than a Catalyst

The EU has been relatively quick at responding to the changes in its neighborhood. Yet this well-articulated rhetoric has not delivered any efficient strategy thus far.

17 julio 2012
China and the «Arab Spring»: a new player in the Middle East?
  • Policy Brief

China and the «Arab Spring»: a new player in the Middle East?

Driven by its external resource dependency, China had to adapt its foreign policy to the “Arab Spring” countries. In this process, Beijing showed its willingness to become a more active player to defend its growing interests.

5 julio 2012
Egypt’s Presidential Elections: Moving Beyond Authoritarianism?
  • Policy Brief

Egypt’s Presidential Elections: Moving Beyond Authoritarianism?

The symbolic significance of Morsy’s election should not be underestimated – he has become an elected Islamist leader of the most populous Arab country. However, it does not necessarily signal a shift in the balance of power towards the Brotherho...

3 julio 2012
La « sécuritocratie » dans la tourmente des révolutions arabes
  • Policy Brief

La « sécuritocratie » dans la tourmente des révolutions arabes

Les dictatures ont réussi à spolier et à démolir l’économie de leur pays. Ainsi, les dictateurs ont déchiré minutieusement le tissu social en rendant leurs sociétés à leurs états primitifs afin d’empêcher toute organisation civile.

2 julio 2012
L’initiative 5+5 face au nouveau contexte en Méditerranée occidentale
  • Policy Brief

L’initiative 5+5 face au nouveau contexte en Méditerranée occidentale

La recherche de pistes de coopération qui ne soient pas seulement bilatérales, mais qui privilégient le développement de partenariats multilatéraux autour de la Méditerranée, est une nécessité.

28 junio 2012
The Imperative of Security Sector Reform after the Arab Spring
  • Policy Brief

The Imperative of Security Sector Reform after the Arab Spring

The social and political revolts in the Middle East and North Africa generated unprecedented transformations in the region. Among the most urgent features of this evolution is the question of the need for reform of the security sector.

20 junio 2012
Is an Islamist Democracy Emerging in North Africa? Its Contours and Objectives, A View from the North
  • Policy Brief

Is an Islamist Democracy Emerging in North Africa? Its Contours and Objectives, A View from the North

The main novelty of the Arab revolts in 2011-2012 is that state actors on the regional and international political scene will have to deal with new North African political leaders, who represent the will of the electorate.

15 junio 2012
Egyptian Presidential Elections: From the First to the Second Round
  • Focus

Egyptian Presidential Elections: From the First to the Second Round

Egyptians have lived through the dream of the transition, but they ended up in the forthcoming elections with the same choice between the military and the Islamists.

12 junio 2012
Civil Society in Egypt and the Revolution of 25th January: What Role for the EU? A View from the South
  • Policy Brief

Civil Society in Egypt and the Revolution of 25th January: What Role for the EU? A View from the South

EU policy has limited itself until now to waiting to see developments and then starting to act. That seems to be inadequate and could contribute to complicating matters further on.

31 mayo 2012
Législatives algériennes: la légitimation électorale du discours sécuritaire
  • Focus

Législatives algériennes: la légitimation électorale du discours sécuritaire

Les élections législatives algériennes suscitent un regain d´intérêt. L´Algérie est-elle dans une logique de redémarrage du processus de transition démocratique ?

16 mayo 2012