Briefs / Focus / Spot Ons
- Spot On
Economic Impact of COVID-19: Powerful Shock to Post-Reform Egypt
For all governments dealing with the pandemic, there is a difficult short term trade-off between public health and economic considerations. The Egyptian authorities have given a higher weight to the latter.
22 juny 2020- Spot On
The Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19 on Lebanon: A Crisis Within Crises
The COVID-19 crisis comes on the heels of grave economic and political crises that hit Lebanon in 2019. The pandemic is expected to have devastating economic costs given the country´s fragile economic environment.
22 juny 2020- Spot On
Morocco Fighting Against COVID-19: Drastic Times Call for Drastic Measures
Morocco is expected to undergo an economic slowdown due to the pandemic. The combined effect of poor crop year and the impact of confinement on some sectors has led to a revision of the growth rate.
22 juny 2020- Spot On
COVID-19 Pandemic Challenges and Opportunities: The Case of Jordan
Jordan has been affected by the COVID-19 crisis. The efforts to curb its spread have created social and economic unrest. The Jordanian government ordered a lockdown to cushion the impact on the healthcare system.
22 juny 2020- Spot On
La Crise Covid-19 en Tunisie: Impacts et Préoccupations
Au-delà de la dimension sanitaire, la gravité du Covid-19 doit se mesurer à l’aune de son impact socio-économique. Cette crise pourrait inviter à penser une communauté plus respectueuse des équilibres environnementaux.
18 juny 2020- Spot On
COVID-19 in Palestine: Economic Slump, Rising Vulnerability and Limited Policy Response
The number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 and fatalities in Palestine remain very low in absolute terms. However, the pandemic is expected to have wide-reaching economic and social impacts.
18 juny 2020