Briefs / Focus / Spot Ons

Morocco’s Political Use of Islam and its Religious Diplomacy
  • Policy Brief

Morocco’s Political Use of Islam and its Religious Diplomacy

After the 2003 bombing attacks in Casablanca, Morocco has been seeking to limit the influence of opposing religious doctrines to the “Moroccan official Islam”. This was followed by a restructuring of the religious field.

7 novembre 2018
Civil Society in Action – Promoting Sub-Regional Cooperation Between CSOs as a Way Forward?
  • Policy Brief

Civil Society in Action – Promoting Sub-Regional Cooperation Between CSOs as a Way Forward?

Eastern Mediterranean states are facing numerous domestic challenges to their democratic institutions. The region is highly heterogeneous in terms of these challenges. But there are also common ones, including empowering CSOs.

5 juliol 2018
Citizenship Challenges in The Arab Region
  • Policy Brief

Citizenship Challenges in The Arab Region

The Arab Spring put forward a number of demands. It is therefore not surprising that a number of minority groups actively participated in the uprisings, calling for end of oppression and the recognition of their rights.

7 maig 2018