Briefs / Focus / Spot Ons

Maghrebi Foreign Policies – A Comparative Analysis
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Maghrebi Foreign Policies – A Comparative Analysis

Comparing the foreign policies of the three Maghrebi states seems to make sense: after all three of them were colonized by France, they became independent alomost at the same time.

15 desembre 2014
Regional Powers in a Transforming Middle East
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Regional Powers in a Transforming Middle East

The Middle East region has been characterized by the presence of several regional powers. None regional power, however, has been able to assume the regional leadership role.

10 novembre 2014
Egypt: A Regional Cold War
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Egypt: A Regional Cold War

Egypt has always played a parental role in moderating Middle Eastern politics. The current situation resembles nothing more than a game of tug of war between two nations, where Egypt is the rope.

8 abril 2014
The Cyprus Question: A Window of Opportunity in 2014?
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The Cyprus Question: A Window of Opportunity in 2014?

Ten years ago most Greek Cypriots thought that the EU membership of the Republic of Cyprus could facilitate the conflict resolution process. These expectations were not fulfilled.

18 març 2014
Bosnia. Cuando el nacionalismo no es suficiente
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Bosnia. Cuando el nacionalismo no es suficiente

El 21 de noviembre de 1995 Warren Christopher afirmaba que el compromiso contraído en Dayton suponía “una victoria para todos aquellos que creen en una democracia multiétnica en Bosnia”.

12 març 2014