Briefs / Focus / Spot Ons
- Policy Brief
Elections in Libya
The election of a new national assembly in Libya is good news in several respects. Perhaps the first piece of good news is the simple fact that it actually took place and did so in a relatively peaceful atmosphere.
24 juliol 2012- Policy Brief
Egypt’s Presidential Elections: Moving Beyond Authoritarianism?
The symbolic significance of Morsy’s election should not be underestimated – he has become an elected Islamist leader of the most populous Arab country. However, it does not necessarily signal a shift in the balance of power towards the Brotherho...
3 juliol 2012- Policy Brief
Is an Islamist Democracy Emerging in North Africa? Its Contours and Objectives, A View from the North
The main novelty of the Arab revolts in 2011-2012 is that state actors on the regional and international political scene will have to deal with new North African political leaders, who represent the will of the electorate.
15 juny 2012- Focus
Egyptian Presidential Elections: From the First to the Second Round
Egyptians have lived through the dream of the transition, but they ended up in the forthcoming elections with the same choice between the military and the Islamists.
12 juny 2012- Focus
Législatives algériennes: la légitimation électorale du discours sécuritaire
Les élections législatives algériennes suscitent un regain d´intérêt. L´Algérie est-elle dans une logique de redémarrage du processus de transition démocratique ?
16 maig 2012- Focus
Les défis de l’État libyen après la « guerre pour la démocratie »
La guerre en Libye ont mis fin au pouvoir de Kadhafi, créant une situation pour laquelle le gouvernement provisoire est peu préparé.
11 abril 2012- Focus
In Syria, The Diplomatic Solution Lies in the Isolation of the Regime
It is taken for granted that the social networks, Internet and mobile phones have played a big part in the Arab Spring. How far do these media have a determining role?
14 març 2012- Policy Brief
Lebanon in the Midst of the “Arab Spring” : plus ça marche…
Looking more in-depth at the effects and impact of the Arab Spring on Lebanon, it appears clear that the country had been affected by the ongoing social and political changes taking place within the region.
28 febrer 2012- Policy Brief
Lebanon: Current Domestic and Regional Situation and Outlook
Tension in the Middle East region has reached unprecedented levels with crisis breaking out all over the place as a result of the so-called “Arab Spring”. Caught up in the middle of this whole regional mess is – as usual – Lebanon.
15 febrer 2012- Policy Brief
Législatives égyptiennes (2011-2012) : des élections pas comme les autres
Il existe aujourd’hui 41 partis politiques en Égypte, dont 36 créés après la Révolution. À la veille des élections, plusieurs coalitions électorales ont été formées regroupant les partis de tendance ou d’intérêts communs.
10 febrer 2012- Policy Brief
Egypt After Parliamentary Elections: Policy Recommendations for Domestic and External Actors
The date of the 28th November marks the start of the first “relatively” free and fair elections, held just after the Egyptian Revolution. Challenges facing the next parliament are enormous but the opportunities are still here.
6 febrer 2012- Policy Brief
Egypt’s Elections: Ballots vs. Bullets
While the election outcome to the lower house is now clear in that Islamists won more than two thirds of the seats contested, the broader political consequences remain uncertain. The key question is whether the SCAF can live with that result.
10 gener 2012