Briefs / Focus / Spot Ons
- Focus
Kosovo Elections and the Future of Negotiations
Although this was the first national election since Pristina declared independence in 2008, less than half of eligible voters turned out.
23 novembre 2010- Focus
The Lisbon Treaty and Euro-Mediterranean Relations
The Lisbon Treaty not only impacts differently on different EU policies and policy instruments, but it is likely to have a different effect in the short term and long term.
16 novembre 2010- Focus
A Prospective Euro-Mediterranean Bank and Private Sector Challenges
To understand how the establishment of a Euro-Mediterranean Bank could contribute to the effectiveness of investment financing in the region, it is imperative to identify the issues and the realities of the region.
21 juny 2010- Focus
Euro-Mediterranean Free Trade Area – Is It Time To Be Optimistic about the Future?
The Barcelona Process and the Euro-Mediterranean free trade area to be formed within the context of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership receive undeserved criticism about their pace and achievements.
21 juny 2010- Focus
Food Security in the Euro-Mediterranean Area: Main Challenges
Achieving availability of sufficient food for all should be at the core of policies aiming to effectively tackle the problem of poverty and hunger.
21 juny 2010- Focus
Enjeux énergétiques en Méditerranée
Une coopération énergétique véritable doit s’accompagner d’une politique audacieuse de partenariat industriel dans le domaine de la construction et de la fabrication des biens d’équipement énergétique.
15 juny 2010- Focus
Egypt-EU Relationship: Where Is Democracy?
One of the major shortcomings of the EU discourse on democracy promotion is the lack of any identification of priorities when it comes to promoting political reform in Egypt
15 juny 2010- Focus
Ré-enchanter la Méditerranée touristique ?
Il est clair que l’un des aspects les plus préoccupants dans l’évolution du tourisme en Méditerranée touche la question de l’environnement et de sa dégradation.
11 maig 2010- Focus
L’Union des autorités locales et régionales pour la Méditerranée
L’ARLEM souhaite être le catalyseur d’un engagement politique fort des élus locaux de toute la Méditerranée et l’accélérateur favorisant la mise en œuvre d’actions s’inscrivant dans la logique de l’UpM.
12 abril 2010- Focus
Water Policy in the Mediterranean: An Overview
Aware of the fundamental importance of sustainable water management in Mediterranean countries, regional cooperation and information exchange have always been considered fundamental.
23 març 2010- Focus
Serbia, the EU and the Kosovo Issue: No Reason for Pessimism
At first glance, recent events in Serbia’s relationship with Kosovo do not point to good prospects for the future. However, we should not start to panic too soon, nor should we view Serbia’s position on Kosovo through the eyes of the 1990s.
9 març 2010